Wealth & assets The Advice Gain: the impact of generic financial advice on the financial services industry 14 March 2007 This report summarises the predicted impacts on the financial services industry of improved financial decision making by low and median earners, driven by increased access to financial advice. It is based on economic modelling carried out for the Resolution Foundation by Deloitte. READ MORE
Pensions & savings· Wealth & assets Submission: Pensions White Paper response 1 March 2007 by Patrick Stevens This briefing presents the Foundation’s response to the Government’s Pensions White Paper. It explains that we welcome the chance to respond to the Government’s proposals to reform pension provision in the UK, considering this is a vital area of policy and we applaud the thrust of the proposals to make access to retirement saving easier … Continued READ MORE
Wealth & assets Summary of the Government’s long-term strategy on financial capability 2 January 2007 by Patrick Stevens This briefing summarises the Government’s long term strategy on financial capability as set out in Financial capability: The Government’s long-term approach, a consultation document outlining the Government’s approach to improving financial capability. READ MORE
Pensions & savings· Wealth & assets Submission: Work and Pensions’ Select Committee evidence 1 January 2007 by Patrick Stevens This memorandum to the Work and Pensions Select Committee inquiry into the Government’s proposals for personal accounts focuses on the advice needs of people on low to moderate incomes in light of the Government’s proposals to introduce a new system of personal accounts. READ MORE
Pensions & savings· Wealth & assets Parliamentary Briefing: Second Reading of the Pensions Bill 2007, the House of Commons 1 January 2007 by Patrick Stevens This briefing presents the Foundation’s evidence to the House of Commons for the Second Reading of the Pensions Bill. We argue that the Government’s reforms to the pensions system provide an opportunity to significantly improve retirement income and security for pensioners. READ MORE
Wealth & assets Generic Financial Advice: evaluating commercial approaches 21 December 2006 by Alan Goodman This report analyses whether generic financial advice services could be provided on a commercial basis and, if so, what form they would take and which sections of society they would serve. The report is based on previous research, interviews with practitioners in the industry, the regulator and other interested organisations, and the author’s experience in … Continued READ MORE
Wealth & assets A Ladder Out of Poverty: from state-dependence to self-reliance 9 October 2006 by David Blunkett This briefing makes the case for a modern welfare state that tackles inequality of wealth as well as inequality of income, and promotes self-reliance in the place of dependency. The pamphlet argues that to successfully address inequality and poverty it will be necessary to bring together all existing initiatives and potential ideas into a coherent programme, … Continued READ MORE
Wealth & assets A National Dividend: the economic impact of financial advice 15 September 2006 by Patrick Stevens This report evaluates the case for developing a national advice resource to provide impartial, generic financial advice targeted at people on low to moderate incomes. It is based on modelling commissioned from Deloitte & Touche LLP to assess the impact of receiving financial advice on financial outcomes for individuals in this income group and the … Continued READ MORE
Pensions & savings· Wealth & assets Lessons from New Zealand’s Retirement Commission for UK Policy on Financial Awareness and Advice 6 June 2006 This report was commissioned by the Resolution Foundation to inform our work on low earners’ financial advice services. The report investigates how the Retirement Commission in New Zealand encourages greater financial awareness and provides financial advice and comments on the especially relevant lessons for UK policy, taking into account differences between the UK and New … Continued READ MORE
Wealth & assets Closing the Advice Gap: providing financial advice for people on low incomes 31 March 2006 by Patrick Stevens This report examines the demographic and financial characteristics of people on low to moderate incomes and investigates whether a new national resource could be established, funded through a public-private partnership, to provide generic financial advice targeted at this group. The report draws together findings from quantitative and qualitative analysis of low earners and service delivery … Continued READ MORE
Pensions & savings· Wealth & assets Submission: Work and Pensions’ Select Committee evidence 1 March 2006 by Sue Regan This briefing sets out the Foundation’s evidence to the Work and Pensions Select Committee’s inquiry into pension reform. The Foundation has not commented on the merits of the Pensions Commission’s proposals. However, we believe that the reform process offers an opportunity to address the potential advice needs of people on medium to low incomes, particularly … Continued READ MORE
Wealth & assets Alliance for Health & the Future’s Demographic Study: living in the advice gap 8 February 2006 This report, a partnership between the Alliance for Health in the Future and the Future Foundation, details the results of research into the social and economic profile of low earners for the Resolution Foundation. These individuals are largely independent of state support, but are not a profitable group for the financial services industry to want … Continued READ MORE
Wealth & assets Submission Treasury Select Committee evidence 3 January 2006 This briefing presents the Foundation’s evidence to the Treasury Select Committee inquiry into financial inclusion. The focus of this submission is on the vital and challenging issue of access to financial advice, particularly for basic rate taxpayers on less than average income. They have both the most to gain from getting financial decisions right and … Continued READ MORE