Unsung Britain bears the brunt

Putting the 2025 Spring Statement in context


This briefing note analyses the choices the Government has made in the context of an awkward backdrop to the 2025 Spring Statement.

What’s up?

Five key takeaways from new data on household wealth on the eve of the cost of living crisis


Today’s release of long-awaited data from the Wealth and Assets Survey (WAS) allows us to finally shed more light on family finances during the Covid-19 pandemic. It shows that total household wealth continued to grow faster than the size of the economy – a trend dating back to the mid-1980s. Total household wealth reached a … Continued

Housing hurdles

The changing housing circumstances of young people in Britain


The recent uptick in home ownership rates and fall in the share of income spent on housing among 25-34-year-olds represent a remarkably positive development in the largely bleak landscape of youth home ownership. However, these developments do not capture the full picture of the housing market for young people. This note explores recent changes in … Continued

Unsung Britain
Living standards

Unsung Britain

The changing economic circumstances of the poorer half of Britain


This report marks the launch of Unsung Britain, a one-year research programme designed to understand the economic circumstances of today’s low-to-middle income families and how these have changed in recent decades, with support from JPMorganChase.

More, more, more

Putting the Autumn Budget 2024 decisions on tax, spending and borrowing into context


This has been the most anticipated Budget of modern times. It had to wrestle with profound – and sometimes conflicting – challenges: fixing the strained public services; repairing failing public services; and breaking with the UK’s dire record on public investment. And all of this had to be squared with pre-election pledges not to raise … Continued

Perfectly adequate?

Revisiting pensions adequacy 20 years after the Pensions Commission


In 2002, the Labour Government established the Pensions Commission to review the UK’s private pensions system and make recommendations for reform. Twenty years on from the Commission’s landmark first report, the auto-enrolment pension regime it proposed has finally come to fruition, revolutionising pension coverage in the UK. But alongside the rollout of this pioneering policy, … Continued

Old age tendencies

The impact of tax and benefit changes on intergenerational fairness ahead of the 2024 general election


In this Spotlight we look at the impact of spending, tax and benefit decisions taken since 2010 through the lens of intergenerational fairness. What stands out in this context is the increase in the generosity of the State Pension, which has led to a £44 billion increase in spending, benefiting older age groups. By contrast, … Continued

General Election 2024
Political parties and elections

Growing for gold?

Analysing the tax and spend package of the 2024 Labour Manifesto


In launching its manifesto, the Labour Party put the emphasis on efforts to boost growth. But more eye-catching were promises of some of the biggest changes to the labour market in a generation, with the aim of improving the quality of work. Proposals here included new employment rights, tougher labour-market enforcement, and an innovative approach … Continued

General Election 2024
Political parties and elections

The narrow path to NICs cuts

Analysing the tax and spend package of the 2024 Conservative Manifesto


The launch of the Conservative manifesto is a big moment in this election campaign. The strategy here was clear: treble down on National Insurance (NI) rate cuts. The continued focus on NI is welcome, at least compared to the alternatives, and delivers significant cuts in tax for some, with the proposed 2p reduction delivering a … Continued

An inherited problem


There has been recent speculation that the Conservative Party might announce that they intend to abolish – or significantly reduce – Inheritance Tax (IHT) if re-elected. Calls for cutting or abolishing IHT are frequent, given the tax’s unpopularity – despite the fact that only a small minority of people will ever be likely to pay … Continued

Back for more?

Putting the 2024 Spring Budget in context


In this briefing note, we put the decisions in the Spring Budget 2024 in context, discussing how the economic outlook has changed, what that means for the public finances, and how the policy decisions taken at the Budget will affect living standards in both the short and the medium term.

Precautionary tales

Tackling the problem of low saving among UK households


Families in Britain are confronted with what can be termed a ‘triple savings challenge’. This encompasses a lack of accessible ‘rainy day’ savings to cushion small cashflow shocks, inadequate precautionary saving to see people through large and unexpected income shocks, and insufficient saving to provide an adequate income in retirement. These three savings challenges are … Continued

A pre-election Statement

Putting the Autumn Statement 2023 in context


In this briefing note, we put the decisions in the 2023 Autumn Statement in context, discussing how the economic outlook has changed, what that means for the public finances, and how the policy decisions taken will affect living standards in both the short and the medium term.

An intergenerational audit for the UK



Five years ago, our Intergenerational Commission set out the numerous threats to the UK’s promise of intergenerational progress. More recently, the spotlight has once again fallen on this issue, but this time in the US, where the latest data has started to suggest that living standards for the millennials are catching up with, and on … Continued

A wealth of variety

The variation in household wealth across Britain and what it means for policy


In this briefing note we explore how wealth was distributed across the nations and regions of Britain on the eve of the pandemic, what determined those differences, and how wealth has evolved in different places since the recent rise in interest rates began. We also explore the policy implications, in particular how Council Tax as … Continued

Peaked Interest?

What higher interest rates mean for the size and distribution of Britain's household wealth


Over the past four decades, the total value of wealth owned by UK households has been on a seemingly-relentless upward path: rising from around three-times GDP in the mid 1980s to almost eight-times.  The key driver of this rise in wealth has been falling interest rates and the associated increase in asset prices. But the … Continued

Tax planning

How to match higher taxes with better taxes


The UK’s tax take is rising, and is likely to stay high, but the system is not improving. The UK needs a tax strategy to support its economic strategy, using the tax system to boost shared growth. This paper, part of the Economy 2030 Inquiry, describes what a good tax strategy would look like and … Continued

Hoping and coping

How families were faring in March 2023


Families in the UK found themselves in the midst of a cost of living crisis over the winter. Inflation has skyrocketed over the past year, with prices still over 10 per cent higher than a year ago. In response to the squeeze, the Government provided £47 billion of support to households in 2022-23, offsetting around … Continued

We’re going on a growth Hunt

Putting the 2023 Spring Budget in context


This report examines the economic backdrop to Budget 2023, and assesses whether the Chancellor has successfully delivered on his central objective of boosting growth through higher employment and business investment.

New Budget, same problems

Spring Budget preview


In our Spring Budget preview slidepack, we assess the economic outlook ahead of Jeremy Hunt’s Spring Budget on March 15th, and explore the policy choices facing the Chancellor in three key areas: cost-of-living support, public sector pay and boosting growth. We find that there is finally some good news for the Chancellor in the short … Continued


Assessing the Government’s policies to encourage household saving


The cost of living crisis highlights the long-standing issue of there being too many UK families with too little in savings. This is not a reflection of policy neglect: there have been many schemes over recent decades to encourage families to save more, covering both measures which cut taxes on savings returns and those which … Continued

Help today, squeeze tomorrow

Putting the 2022 Autumn Statement in context


This report presents Resolution Foundation’s analysis of the 2022 Autumn Statement. In the face of grim economic and fiscal forecasts, Jeremy Hunt announced energy support today but tougher times tomorrow, with stealth tax rises for the middle and top of the income distribution followed by spending cuts after the next election.

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