A steady job? The UK’s record on labour market security and stability since the millennium


The story on pay is well-established but other aspects of job quality are less routinely measured. Therefore, in this note we return to some commonly-used broad measures of job security and stability, in particular to understand developments over the past two decades and how experiences have differed across genders and the generations.

A Budget for workers? The impact of the Summer Budget on work incentives in Universal Credit


The combination of increases in the minimum wage (via the introduction of a National Living Wage), cuts to income tax and sharp reductions in working-age welfare presented in the Summer Budget produces a complex mix of winners and losers. Those not currently in receipt of benefits and tax credits (or Universal Credit) are likely to … Continued

Low pay

Analysing the National Living Wage: Impact and implications for Britain’s low pay challenge


The most eye-catching announcement in the Summer Budget was the National Living Wage (NLW). National Minimum Wage workers aged 25 and over will, from April 2016, receive a premium on top of the current legal wage floor, raising their hourly earnings from £6.70 to £7.20. Thereafter, the NLW is expected to rise steadily, surpassing £9 … Continued

Looking through the hourglass: hollowing out of the UK jobs market pre- and post-crisis


A large and growing body of research details the ‘hollowing out’ of developed labour markets (the relative decline of mid-skilled jobs and expansion of low- and high-skilled jobs) from the 1970s to the 2008-09 recession. Previous Resolution Foundation research (Plunkett & Pessoa, 2013) confirmed that these trends continued in the UK in the early years of … Continued


Who’s been getting a pay rise?


In this briefing we have attempted to provide some clarity on the recent debate – which has been a prominent feature of public narrative on the labour market – on the extent to which employees who remain in their jobs from one year to the next have experienced real pay rises. We have described the … Continued

Social care
Living Wage

As if we cared: the costs and benefits of a living wage for social care workers


This report is the culmination of a year-long investigation into pay and conditions in social care, and the first authoritative study of the costs and benefits of moving to a living wage for all care workers. The report argues that pervasive low pay across the sector and tight budget constraints facing care providers means that paying … Continued

Social care
Low pay

The scale of minimum wage underpayment in social care


There is increasing recognition that a better deal for the workforce will be essential to the quality and sustainability of social care provision in the UK, but so far there has been scant evidence as to the scale of investment needed. The Resolution Foundation is currently undertaking a major investigation into the costs of improving … Continued

In the balance: public finances in the next parliament


With the Coalition government expected to have delivered around half of its intended fiscal consolidation programme by the end of the current parliament, debates over public finances are set to loom large in the coming election campaign. To date, we have only very broad outlines of the preferred approaches of each of the main parties. … Continued

Escape Plan: Understanding who progresses from low pay and who gets stuck


Our findings highlight that employees can move into higher paying roles but escaping completely from low pay is more difficult. Overall, the evidence presented in the report suggests that employers and government do have scope to develop the progression prospects of low paid staff. While much is already being done, there are particular groups of people … Continued

Low Pay Britain 2014


This report is our fourth annual audit of low pay in Britain. It describes in detail the scale of the problem in the latest year for which data is available (2013) and the people it affects. As with many advanced economies, the British labour market has been characterised in recent decades by a growing polarisation. … Continued

Universal Credit: A policy under review


Resolution Foundation has brought together an expert panel of labour market economists, welfare specialists, employment practitioners and other experts to review the current design of Universal Credit and its likely impacts and propose changes that would make the policy more likely to support people to get into and progress in work. The cumulative impact of … Continued

More than a roof: How incentives can improve standards in the private rented sector

The private rented sector is growing and, as it expands, it is housing an increasingly diverse group of tenants, including a higher proportion of people across every income decile and a growing number of families with children. However there are still a range of challenges associated with the sector which need to be addressed. These include variable standards of … Continued

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