Low pay

More than a minimum: The review of the minimum wage – Final report


The final report of the Resolution Foundation’s review of the future of the National Minimum Wage. The review has worked for the past nine months under the chairmanship of Professor Sir George Bain, the founding chair of the Low Pay Commission, exploring whether the minimum wage and its supporting architecture could do more to tackle … Continued

Low pay

Minimum Wage Act II


The national minimum wage is no longer strong enough to tackle the country’s low pay problem and the policy will need to be reformed if it is to repeat the successes of its first 15 years. Professor Sir George Bain, the founding chair of the Low Pay Commission which recommends the rate of the minimum … Continued

Closer to the edge? Debt repayments in 2018 under different household income and borrowing cost scenarios


Britain faces the mounting prospect of a household debt crisis as analysis from the Resolution Foundation suggests that a least a million British families, and possibly as many as 2 million, could be spending more than half their disposable income on repayments by 2018 The study uses the latest five-year growth projections from the Office … Continued

One foot on the ladder: how shared ownership can bring owning a home into reach


A major expansion of newly built shared ownership could help low and modest income working families across the country onto the property ladder, while keeping their housing costs affordable. One foot on the ladder shows that shared ownership – where buyers purchase at least 25 per cent of the equity in a home and pay a low rent … Continued

A Polarising Crisis? The changing shape of the UK and US labour markets from 2008 to 2012


The polarisation of the UK labour market intensified during the great recession and its aftermath as low- and high-skilled jobs expanded while middle-skilled jobs fell as a share of employment. This report, produced in collaboration with the London School of Economics, lends credence to concerns that the long downturn may have pushed the UK towards … Continued

Building Homes for Generation Rent


A low-risk income return of 4.7 per cent should be achievable for institutional investors putting money into the private rented sector – a move which could also help solve Britain’s housing crisis for families on modest incomes. Building Homes for Generation Rent identifies a £140 million property portfolio, made up of almost 800 rental homes around … Continued

Low Pay Britain 2013


Economic downturn has pushed a further 1.4 million employees below the Living Wage – the rate deemed necessary for a basic standard of living. Low Pay Britain 2013 shows that 4.8 million Britons (20 per cent of all employees) earn below the Living Wage – a leap from 3.4 million (14 per cent) in 2009 – at … Continued

All work and no pay: Second earners’ work incentives and childcare costs under Universal Credit


A part-time cleaner with two children in childcare and working 25 hours a week would be £7 a week worse off than if she didn’t work at all while a part-time teacher with the same hours and childcare arrangements would be £57 a week better off under the Government’s new proposals to help working families … Continued

Closer to the Edge? Prospects for household debt repayments as interest rates rise


The number of families in Britain with perilous levels of debt repayments could more than double to 1.2 million if interest rates rise faster than expected in the next four years and household income growth is weak and uneven. The figures suggest that the ongoing squeeze on households could leave Britain seriously exposed if interest … Continued

Low pay

Fifteen years later: A discussion paper on the future of the UK National Minimum Wage and Low Pay Commission


In 15 years the UK National Minimum Wage (NMW) has evolved from a bold and experimental labour market intervention into a permanent and generally uncontroversial tool of economic policy. The Low Pay Commission (LPC), enshrined in law in 1998 to recommend the rate of the NMW, has won widespread support, with its decisions endorsed by … Continued

A Matter of Time: The rise of zero-hours contracts


It is not hard to see why zero-hours contracts can appear attractive to employers. They allow for maximum flexibility to meet changing demand. They can facilitate the management of risk, reduce the costs of recruitment and training, and they can, in certain circumstances, enable employers to avoid particular employment obligations. Yet it is clear that … Continued

The challenges of build to rent for UK housing providers


This briefing note looks at the challenges that build to rent poses for housing providers. It is based on a six month project conducted by the Resolution Foundation and Social Finance to develop a financing model for institutional investment in a build to rent portfolio of 778 rental units nationwide aimed at middle income households. 

Narrowed Horizons: The fiscal choices at Spending Review 2013 and beyond


The government’s plans for deficit reduction have increasingly stark implications for public spending as their deadline draws nearer. While overall expenditure is set to remain relatively flat in 2015-16 (the period covered by the latest Spending Review) the pace of reduction in total government spending is due to increase significantly in the two subsequent years.

Getting On: Universal Credit and older workers


Britain is missing a crucial opportunity to encourage more older people into work because the government’s new flagship welfare reform delivers only mixed benefits for the age group. While many older workers will be better off under Universal Credit (UC) – the system replacing tax credits and several other benefits from this year – others … Continued

Living standards
Political parties and elections

2015 – The living standards election?

The electorate is broadly split over whether, come the next general election, it will still be possible for the government of the day to ensure steadily rising living standards. This analysis, ‘2015- the living standards election?’, gives a unique insight into what voters think that politicians can – and can’t – promise to achieve at … Continued

Resolution Foundation analysis of the 2013 Budget


The Chancellor’s fourth Budget was a relatively quiet affair. While pre-announced changes mean that millions of households will face further reductions in benefit and tax credit receipts from April, the latest financial statement said nothing new about welfare cuts (though it confirmed that departmental spending is set to be tightened still further).    

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