
Workertech newsletter: September 2021

The latest update from Resolution Ventures


In a recent interview on diversity in innovation Bayo Adelaja, CEO of Do It Now Now said, “If we are going to build a world that is truly fit for purpose, we need representation of everyone who is going to be engaging with it.” At Resolution Ventures, one of the groups we want to work with and create impact … Continued


Workertech newsletter: August 2021

The latest update from Resolution Ventures


  In the run up to our TUC Fringe event on the future of technology and worker power on 14 September, this edition will put a spotlight on some innovations in the world of digital organising. As always, if you have any suggestions for our newsletter or want to know more about any of the … Continued

Covid could still make a mockery of the best-laid economic plans


The last 18 months haven’t been normal. You’ll have noticed. But while it’s blindingly obvious in our personal lives, we’ve struggled to recognise it when thinking about the economy. All downturns are different, from their causes to their depths. This is a challenge for policy makers prone to looking back to previous recessions for clues … Continued

Buckle up – milkshake droughts are just the start


We’re not used to modern capitalism being a mess. For something so incredibly complex, it runs incredibly smoothly in normal times. Even those of us who don’t like many of its outcomes, for inequality or the environment, can marvel at how quickly a huge variety of goods and services are available to us almost instantaneously. … Continued

The latest climate warning further highlights gaps in our decarbonising plans

IPCC reports seldom bring good news, but the latest assessment finds that the crucial marker of a 1.5C temperature increase on pre-industrial times could be with us in just two decades


The latest summary of global climate science, compiled over years by hundreds of researchers, brings yet another stark warning on how the world is not decarbonising fast enough.


Workertech newsletter: July 2021

The latest update from Resolution Ventures


  This edition of the Workertech newsletter takes you under the hood of Bethnal Green Ventures’ Tech for Good Accelerator, along with sharing news and opportunities from the world of workertech. If you’d like hear more about the Workertech Partnership or any content in this newsletter, please get in touch with us via or book a … Continued

Solving the productivity puzzle


Regional inequalities are a longstanding feature within UK political debate. However, they have gained additional pertinence in the years since the 2008 financial crisis. From the 2016 EU referendum result, through the ‘red wall’ turning blue in the 2019 general election, to the differential impact of Covid-19 across the UK, place increasingly functions as a … Continued

Preparing for a decade of economic change

Lessons from the era of White Heat


Boris Johnson’s administration may well oversee the start of a period of major upheaval for the UK economy – quite possibly the largest since the 1980s. Whether it is post-Brexit trade dislocation, new patterns of production and consumption resulting from the imperative of Net Zero, a long Covid hangover, or the rise of digital technologies … Continued

UK employers may be struggling to fill jobs, but this isn’t a new era of worker power

Although the labour market is starting to recover, the effects of the pandemic will be felt for a very long time


Commentators have decided that the labour market is booming, reporting that firms are finding it hard to hire people. Some have predicted the dawn of a new era of worker power that will push up wages, while others worry labour shortages will hold our recovery back. The bigger danger, however, is that we’re losing sight of what’s … Continued


Workertech newsletter: June 2021

The latest update from Resolution Ventures


  Hello and welcome to June’s Workertech newsletter from Resolution Ventures, covering how technology is improving the world of low-paid and precarious work. This month we’ve put a spotlight on American Workertech, and some of the great organisations in the US. Also make sure to catch up on the video of our June event – … Continued


Workertech newsletter: May 2021

The latest update from Resolution Ventures


  Welcome to the first edition of the Workertech Newsletter from Resolution Ventures. We’re delighted to be reaching out to everyone in our Workertech community. The Workertech community exists to convene workers, unions, investors, employers, policymakers and researchers using technology to change the world of work for the better for those in low-paid and precarious employment. The Workertech … Continued

Three reasons to be concerned about job losses among older workers

A U-Shaped crisis 


Young people have been at the epicentre of the Covid-19 crisis. The severe restrictions and lockdown closures of social sectors of the economy – such as hospitality, retail, arts and leisure, where young workers are concentrated – has led millions of our youngest workers to be put on furlough or, worse still, lose their jobs. … Continued

Pre-pandemic Britain experienced a mini living standards boom – alongside rising child poverty

New data show stronger growth in household incomes leading up to the Covid-19 crisis, but we need to look over a longer period for a more accurate impression


The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) today published statistics on household incomes and poverty covering  2019-20. Because producing these estimates is a time-consuming process – both for the households who are surveyed and the statisticians processing the data into interesting statistics – the results are already a year out of date, and tell us … Continued

The Government’s record on Covid-19 has been defined by two big successes and one recurring deadly failure

With the worst of the crisis behind us, it is right to assess how the Government has handled the pandemic


The first anniversary of the first national lockdown falls on 23 March. With the worst of the crisis behind us, it is right to assess how the Government has handled the pandemic. Even the Prime Minister’s former Chief Advisor Dominic Cummings thinks the need for an inquiry is urgent. We can break down the Government’s handling of the crisis into … Continued

Working in the Think Tank Sector

Highlights from our joint event in partnership with other think tanks and organisations

Think tanks are research organisations that develop ideas on a whole range of subjects affecting society. They make suggestions for action, using research, analysis and commentary to inform and influence politicians, policy makers and the public. Given the recent economic, social and political issues facing the UK, encouraging more diversity in the world of research … Continued

A loan scheme for renters could stop tenants from being made homeless


The protracted length of the coronavirus crisis has led to rent arrears reaching twice the level observed going into the crisis. In January 2021, we estimate that over 750,000 families were behind with their housing payments, 300,000 of which contained dependent children. Before the pandemic hit, many families spent a high share of their income … Continued

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