If fewer workers migrate to Britain, our own will need greater mobility

Migration policy can complement an economic strategy, but it can’t stand in for one.


One of the main benefits often cited of leaving the European Union was that the UK regained control of its borders, with the Prime Minister arguing that bringing in a more controlled migration regime would be key to enabling the UK to become a high wage economy. Others fear that the shift to a new, … Continued


WorkerTech newsletter: February 2022

The latest update from Resolution Ventures


Did you know that in 2019, 10% of the working population did some form of weekly gig work? Growth in this part of the labour market shines a light on the tension between the autonomy and flexibility that gig work offers, and the lack of income security, worker rights and safety net that are inherent to atypical … Continued


Resolution Ventures invests in CareerEar


We’re delighted to announce that Resolution Ventures has made an investment in CareerEar as part of the Workertech Partnership. The Workertech Partnership is backing a new wave of innovators who will harness technology to improve the pay, prospects, power, and progression of low-paid workers. CareerEar is an online platform helping career-seekers from underserved groups to … Continued

Levelling-up: The Blair-Osborne Project


There have been many attempts in the past to reduce the gaps between richer and poorer parts of the UK. But despite progress on some measures (most notably employment and pay), geographic disparities remain substantial and stubborn, particularly when it comes to productivity. The gap in typical pay between Kensington and Chelsea and Scarborough has … Continued


WorkerTech newsletter: January 2022

The latest update from Resolution Ventures


Did you know that more than one in three people working in hospitality and retail would consider switching careers after the pandemic? According to a poll conducted by Learning and Work Institute for their 2021 report, Fast Forward, workers in these sectors are thinking about a new career path. This type of career switching is likely to increase due … Continued

Working from home means bigger bills and highlights the need for better insulation

‘Running the boiler all day will see the average household use around 50 per cent more gas than if their home was unoccupied’


With the rise of the Covid variant Omicron, working from home is back. One of the many differences between this winter and last, however, is that working from home has come amid a cost of living crisis, with inflation recently hitting a 10-year high. It’s easy to see the spread of higher prices in day-to-day life, … Continued

Spiralling energy prices will turn the UK’s cost-of-living crisis into a catastrophe

A £300 one-off payment to millions of low-income households is the minimum needed to mitigate rising bill


A cost of living catastrophe is what British families are facing in early 2022. The government has been understandably focused on Omicron but has woken up to this crisis, and is now discussing policy action to address it. But there is no magic bullet. What’s worse, this comes on the back of a decade of … Continued

The jobs market is healthy and doesn’t have a temperature, but pay packets are shrinking not surging


Today’s labour market stats release should have marked a turning point in the post-pandemic labour market, as furlough came to an end and the economy adjusted to a period without restrictions. Instead, the data out this morning – which covers October and November – covers two months of relative normality between the end of furlough … Continued


Influencing employers roundtable: helping employers improve the quality of work they offer


Executive summary One of the ways for Workertech to have an impact on low-paid workers is by developing new tools and incentives that encourage businesses to improve the quality of employment. In October the Resolution Foundation brought together some leading organisations with experience of influencing employers via standards and accreditation to improve the quality of … Continued


WorkerTech newsletter: November 2021

The latest update from Resolution Ventures


Although this is the last newsletter of the year, it is jam-packed with opportunities and resources for WorkerTech founders, not least because applications for BGV’s Tech for Good programme starting in Spring 2022 opened yesterday! Resolution Ventures partners with BGV to back WorkerTech ventures through their 12-week Tech for Good programme. We want to help founders develop … Continued


WorkerTech Dispatch

Bringing you insights and tools for a fairer future of work

Check out the WorkerTech Dispatch — a new publication to guide founders and everyone interested in shaping a fairer future of work. Brought to you by Bethnal Green Ventures and Resolution Ventures.


Resolution Ventures invests in Breakroom


We’re delighted to announce that Resolution Ventures has made a follow-on investment in their most recent £4.9 million funding round as part of the Workertech Partnership. This investment continues the relationship with Breakroom first established via the Resolution Trust in 2019 when co-founders Anna Maybank, James Weiner and Tom Taylor wanted to prove that good … Continued

The Black Economists Network: what it is, and why we need it


This November marks the two-year anniversary of the launch of The Black Economists Network (TBEN[1]), an organisation founded by myself that strives to challenge the lack of diversity in economics by connecting and supporting Black people in the field as well as working with other organisations to improve their diversity strategies. To mark this anniversary, … Continued

There is no simple story of migrants down, wages up

The UK needs a post-Brexit, post-Covid economic strategy, not another argument about immigration


We ask a lot of migrants. They make up almost one-in-five of our workforce, run many of our biggest businesses, and disproportionately clean our homes, care for our sick, and carry ever-growing online purchases to our doors. If that wasn’t enough, we’re now asking them to solve a rather big problem: the UK’s absence of … Continued

This Budget will leave the poorest households hundreds of pounds a year worse off

Families across Britain should expect a bumpy ride over the next six months


Having spent the first 18 months in the job delivering Covid crisis fiscal statements, you can understand why there was a celebratory vibe to the Chancellor’s first “post-crisis” Budget today. The Government’s official economic watchdog, the OBR, came to the party laden with gifts – including a major upgrade to economic growth and a £141 … Continued


Workertech newsletter: October 2021

The latest update from Resolution Ventures


This week’s Budget and next week’s COP26 have led to a growing conversation around skills, wages and the green economy. Yet there is still a big shift needed to answer key questions and turn policy into practice. How do we define a green job or skill? How can we use data and technology to support green jobs? What does a … Continued

Boris Johnson is wrong to downplay the impact on families from the Universal Credit cut

Rising inflation and surging energy bills come as the government takes £20 a week off families in the Universal Credit cut


Today was a big deal for Boris Johnson who delivered his speech to the Conservative Party Conference. But it’s an even bigger day for low-and-middle income households across Britain, for all the wrong reasons. As the PM stepped up onto stage, their income took a step down with Universal Credit cut by £20 a week. … Continued

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