Happy New Year?


Well, after lots of talk of fiscal consolidation, the first real day of reckoning has arrived: today VAT rose to 20% – the first increase in the main rate of VAT since 1991, moving the UK from below average to nearer the top of international comparisons. Fiscal consolidation may be necessary – to some degree … Continued

We’re all squeezed now


[Extract] Research suggests that most British people will call themselves middle class by 2020. But many will find it increasingly hard to achieve the lifestyle that is supposed to go with it. It is one of the most famous sketches in comedy: John Cleese, Ronnie Barker and Ronnie Corbett, lined up in descending height, dressed … Continued

Will we catch the American bug?


The American middle-class has been complaining since the 1970s about their stagnating incomes. The economic growth that the country has seen since then has gone mainly to the better off. Households at or below the middle of the income distribution have seen no significant rise in their living standards for a generation. That certainly can’t … Continued

A lost decade, not a burst bubble


From time to time we’ll be posting pieces from the USA and elsewhere to gain international insights on the plight of low-to-middle earners. Here Sophia Parker, a Research Associate of the Foundation, sets out the growing crisis facing low-and-middle income America and considers what it means for the Obama administration. “The problem”, declares American academic … Continued

The ‘squeezed middle’ is a real problem


Whatever the terminology, politicians cannot afford to overlook a group that feels justified anxiety about its standard of living. The best political phrases grow broad roots, entering the language of all political parties. Today it’s still unclear what fate awaits Ed Miliband’s talk of the “squeezed middle“. But whatever happens to the phrase, the theme … Continued

The coming crunch


These are interesting times here at the Resolution Foundation. We’re expanding our team, starting new projects and working in different ways to achieve practical solutions. I hope you’ll keep returning to our new and improved website over the next few weeks and months to follow what we have to say about the position of low-to-middle … Continued

It’s rising prices as much as spending cuts that will give the Coalition a political headache


It’s rising prices as much as spending cuts that will give the Coalition a political headache. Last Wednesday, Bank of England Governor Mervyn King forecast that inflation would remain above its 2% target until at least the end of 2011. British Gas has just announced a 7% price hike.  It all bodes ill for the … Continued

Investors must learn


The government’s announcements to cut the social housing budget to £4.4 billion will hit many low earning households. Coupled with already low rates of affordable house building under the previous government, these proposals will mean that more and more low earning families will be forced into unsuitable private rented sector accommodation. Those fortunate enough to … Continued

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