Matthew Whittaker
Living standards
Political parties and elections

Living standards in the downturn and recovery: the backdrop to the election


After six long years, average pay is rising. The gains are currently modest, but momentum is expected to build in the coming months (thanks in no small part to falling inflation). And there’s evidence that household incomes have started to recover too. The best data on this is significantly out of date but, buoyed by … Continued

Are zero-hours contracts here to stay?


In many ways, the growth of zero-hours contracts (ZHCs) has symbolised the UK’s labour market since the downturn began: contributing to both stronger than expected employment figures but also rising job insecurity. One of the big question marks though has been whether they are solely a symptom of the recession and would start to disappear … Continued


A £6.70 minimum wage – how ambitious a rise is it?


The Low Pay Commission, the body tasked with advising the government on the national minimum wage’s (NMW) annual increase, has recommended it rise by just over 3 per cent, from £6.50 to £6.70, from October 2015. The second in its “new phase” of above-inflation rises after years of falling in real terms, any real increase … Continued

The SNP and austerity: how different are they to the other parties?


Nicola Sturgeon gave a widely trailed speech in London earlier this week majoring on the SNP’s opposition to what she said was a ‘cosy consensus’ in Westminster on austerity. In providing a few new bits of information on the SNP’s view on public spending it helped fit another piece in the jigsaw that is the … Continued

The high road or the low road? What a balanced current budget by 2017-18 does and does not mean


Taken at face value a new Charter for Budget Responsibility, with a goal of eliminating the structural current deficit by 2017-18, has potentially significant implications for the parties’ fiscal plans. This applies most to Labour – given their separate pledge to do this by 2019-20 – and to a significant extent for the Liberal Democrats. … Continued

Matthew Whittaker

Could we be set for two decades of lost pay growth?


Rarely have questions of household living standards and the shape of the public finances been so interwoven. The Autumn Statement – or, more specifically, the OBR’s Economic and Fiscal Outlook – identified a £25bn shortfall in tax revenues by 2018-19 relative to the projections in place at the time of Budget 2014. This is a … Continued

Households have been coping remarkably well with high housing costs, but interest rate rises lurk just around the corner


The lack of affordable housing, particularly in London and the South East, is one of Britain’s most-told misery stories. But less is known about how these challenges differ for various household types and, perhaps more importantly, how people cope with them. New research by the Resolution Foundation seeks to deal with both of these questions. … Continued

Matthew Whittaker
Public spending
Economy and public finances
Political parties and elections

Assessing the post-election implications of the parties’ different fiscal stances


Our recent briefing note In The Balance set out some indicative figures for public finances in the next parliament based on our interpretation of each of the three main parties’ highly sketchy (to date) outlines of their preferred trajectories. This note updates this work based on the new OBR figures released alongside the Autumn Statement. … Continued

Matthew Whittaker

The drama of the Commons took a back-seat to the economic musings of the OBR today


Unusually for a fiscal event so close to an election, today’s Autumn Statement was never expected to be about giveaways and grand schemes. Indeed, the politics in the Commons took a back-seat to the economic musings of the OBR. The two key questions we wanted answered? First, how would the outlook for public finances – … Continued

Will the Chancellor still be aiming for an overall budget surplus in 2018/19 after the Autumn Statement?


In tomorrow’s Autumn Statement, the Chancellor is expected to announce an updated Charter for Budget Responsibility, which would formally commit the government to a balanced cyclically-adjusted current budget by 2017-18. By forcing a vote in parliament, the Chancellor is thought to be drawing Labour out on their potentially looser fiscal policy. Yet this move also … Continued

Stuck or just passing through: how can policy-makers improve social mobility?


One of the recurring fixtures of British political life is a bout of soul-searching about social mobility. Depending on the point of view of the pundit, this tends to involve a nostalgic backward glance to an era when things were supposedly better (cue unevidenced claims about the mobility-boosting virtues of grammar schools) or, less commonly, … Continued


Why hasn’t 2014 been the year of the pay rise?


Next month we will be treated to the familiar spate of end of year reviews. Amid all that copy we can expect a regular theme to be that this was (another) year in which all the forecasts of a rise in earnings for workers were proved wrong. Inaccurate economic forecasts, especially when it comes to … Continued

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