
When it comes to the ‘National Living Wage’ being introduced to the world, it’s time for some responsible parenting


The Chancellor’s introduction of a higher minimum wage – the ‘National Living Wage’ – is a policy with competitive claims to its parentage. Announced by a Government, advocated by the official opposition, and prefigured by work from a range of experts including the Resolution Foundation. From all these and more it’s now time for some … Continued

The national living wage alone is not enough


A pay rise for six million people sounds great but the new national living wage is a policy that that cannot stand in isolation. The National Living Wage is set to bring much-needed pay rises – but it can’t solve our living standards challenge alone. After an unprecedented six-year pay squeeze, wage levels have finally started … Continued


Who gains from the new National Living Wage?


The ‘National Living Wage’ – a top-up to the minimum wage for workers aged 25 and over – was the rabbit pulled from the Chancellor’s Red Box at the Summer Budget back in July. But beyond the healine figures published alongside it, it was hard to be sure who the main beneficiaries would be. A … Continued

The rise and rise (?) of zero hours contracts


For many, zero hours contracts (ZHCs) are emblematic of the UK’s labour market experience during the financial crash, contributing to stronger-than-expected employment figures but also symbolising rising job insecurity. But with the economic recovery now gaining ground, the key question has been whether they’d fade away or remain as a permanent feature of the labour … Continued

Raising low pay is welcome. But we should still fear the forces hurting family incomes


George Osborne’s audacious unveiling of what he termed the “national living wage” dominated the budget coverage and succeeded in delighting, outraging and confusing in almost equal measure. Low-pay campaigners were certainly buoyed, just as some business leaders were appalled at what they viewed as a Milibandesque intrusion into pay-setting. Many others were left puzzling over … Continued

The View That Britain Should Be Learning Lessons From the US Labour Market Is Long Past Its Sell-By Date


Political debates about key policy challenges often tend to idealise – and bastardise – the experience of other countries. Whether it is Finnish schools, Swedish childcare, German vocational training, Danish ‘flexicurity’, Israeli entrepreneurship or Dutch pensions, there are places that we are supposed to look to for inspiration. Usually these views are rooted in some … Continued

How much wriggle room will the Chancellor have in the July Budget?


After the flow of easy pre-election promises, here come the hard choices of government. As George Osborne approaches his ‘emergency Budget’ attention will turn to what room for manoeuvre he really has given all the commitments that have been made. How will it all add up and is there a version of austerity that might … Continued

How tightly has the Chancellor tied his own hands on fiscal policy?


Having secured a majority on 7 May, the Conservatives must now set about the difficult job of delivering on their various pre-election pledges. In relation to fiscal consolidation in particular, they can no longer point to the demands of a junior coalition partner as cause for rowing back on any of the harder to execute … Continued

How do we tackle Britain’s huge, shifting poverty challenge?


UK poverty rates have been falling relatively steadily since the start of the 1990s. Policy changes have led to particularly significant reductions among pensioners and children. But much less progress has been made among adults without children; and current projections suggest that many of the improvements of recent decades will go into reverse over the … Continued

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