
WorkerTech newsletter: October 2023

The latest update from Resolution Ventures


As promised in last month’s newsletter, we have three more investments to announce. We’re excited to welcome these three companies and their brilliant founding teams to our portfolio: 🍽️ Slinger – a platform for hospitality workers to find shifts at a time and place that suits them, and that are guaranteed to pay at least … Continued

Good work across the UK’s nations, regions and industries

The 11th Annual NERI Dónal Nevin Lecture


The 11th Annual NERI Dónal Nevin Lecture in association with the School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work at Queen’s University Belfast took place on Monday 16 October, 2023 from 11am – 1pm.  The venue was the Canada Room (and Council Chamber), Lanyon Building, Queen’s University Belfast. Torsten Bell, Chief Executive of the Resolution … Continued

Flying blind?

The case of the missing employment data


Every month the ONS releases lots of data on the condition of the UK labour market – including information about employment, jobs, pay, and vacancies. But for the first time (that we are aware of), today’s statistics were released without the data that comes from the ONS’s Labour Force Survey (LFS) – the source for … Continued

What does it take to reduce poverty?

Lessons from the 21st Century so far


Torsten Bell, Chief Executive of Resolution Foundation, delivered the 2023 Annual Challenge Poverty Week Lecture. The lecture is hosted by The Poverty Alliance, Scotland’s network of organisations and individuals working together to end poverty, and Scottish Poverty Inequality Reduction Unit (SPIRU). Catch up on the presentation below for an insight into the state of British living standards, … Continued


WorkerTech newsletter: September 2023

The latest update from Resolution Ventures


It’s been a busy summer here at Resolution Ventures. We’ve been pleased to complete four investments (more on those below and next month), and are looking forward to our first-ever Workertech conference in November. Sign up now to join us for a day of exploration and discussion on the future of better work. As always, … Continued

The labour market is cooling but pay growth remains strong

New ONS labour market statistics show the biggest employment fall on record outside of a recession


This morning’s labour market statistics show that the labour market is starting to cool, with the biggest employment fall on record outside of a recession. But this is not yet feeding through into wages, which grew at record high rates. And while wage growth impacts both workers and (indirectly) the wider economy, this month’s pay … Continued


WorkerTech newsletter: August 2023

The latest update from Resolution Ventures


Last month I announced the date for our first-ever WorkerTech Conference on 21st November, and over 100 of you have registered to attend in person already. We now have even more brilliant speakers confirmed, including Claudine Adeyemi, CEO of Earlybird, Emma Back, Founder of Equal Care Coop, and Jeegar Kakkad, Director of Future of Britain Policy at Tony … Continued

Real-term public sector pay falls are fuelling the recent strikes… but what lies ahead?


Across the past year, 3.9 million working days have been lost to industrial action– more days than at any point since the 1980s. The Resolution Foundation’s Labour Market Outlook, published today, takes a look at why these strikes are happening… and, crucially, at what’s happening to public sector pay, and how this has fuelled the … Continued


WorkerTech newsletter: July 2023

The latest update from Resolution Ventures


Are you free on 21st November? I’d love you to join us at our first-ever WorkerTech Conference in central London. We’ll be exploring the relationship between impact investors and start-ups, and examining how mission-driven organisations – in collaboration with foundations, researchers, unions and businesses – can use data and technology to benefit low-paid workers and … Continued


The Kickstart scheme: reflections three years on


Three years on from the advent of the Kickstart scheme – the Government’s employment programme which created jobs for young people aged 16-24 during the Covid-19 pandemic – the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has published a process evaluation report looking at the effectiveness of the scheme. Of course, the labour market looks very … Continued


WorkerTech newsletter: June 2023

The latest update from Resolution Ventures


Last month we let you know about our first WorkerTech Pre-investment Workshop which included the opportunity to win a cash prize and additional mentoring from our team. We welcomed a great group of diverse founders, and had some great conversations – thanks to everyone who came. I’m also pleased to announce the winner of the on-the-day pitching … Continued

Punchy pay data set to cause more mortgage misery


This morning, the ONS published new labour market statistics, and all eyes are on the pay data. Strong nominal pay growth, combined with lower levels of inflation, means that the real wage squeeze that workers have been facing for the past 18 months may well have ended. But, in stark contrast to the state of … Continued


WorkerTech newsletter: May 2023

The latest update from Resolution Ventures


Do you have an idea for how tech could improve low-paid or precarious work in the UK? Are you looking to take the next step and seek investment for your idea? Resolution Ventures and Bethnal Green Ventures are hosting a WorkerTech Pre-Investment Workshop on 22nd June to provide expert advice to founders who are seeking first-time … Continued

The nature of the post-Brexit migration change is different to what many expected


The latest migration statistics, covering the year ending December 2022, confirm that the post-Brexit era has brought significant changes in migration patterns. The predictable headline was that overall net migration reached a record high, but the labour market nature of this change differs from what many expected – with the migrant workforce growing slower than … Continued

Growing, but for how long?


This morning’s labour market data from the ONS had encouraging news in the shape of rising employment, coming from a reversal among the under 50s of the post-pandemic fall in participation. But inactivity among the over 50s and among those with long-term illnesses remains stubbornly high, there continue to be signs that firms’ demand for … Continued


WorkerTech newsletter: April 2023

The latest update from Resolution Ventures


How can we make sure gig work is good work? We helped a group of founders, workers, investors and researchers answer this question last week at our workshop with Fairwork. You can learn more about it in this newsletter, and read Fairwork’s new report on digital labour platforms in the UK. As always, if you have … Continued


WorkerTech newsletter: March 2023

The latest update from Resolution Ventures


Around 5 million people in the UK do some form of work via digital platforms, so we think it’s really important that platforms providing this type of work are designed to offer fair and decent work to users. Register to join us on Thursday 20th April at our free workshop with Fairwork (experts in equitable labour platforms) … Continued


Resolution Ventures invests in Equal Care Co-operative


We’re delighted to announce that Resolution Ventures has made an investment in Equal Care Co-op as part of the Workertech Partnership. The aim of the Workertech Partnership is to use impact investment to back a new wave of innovators who will harness technology to improve the pay, prospects, power, and progression of low-paid workers. One … Continued

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