A Polarising Crisis? The changing shape of the UK and US labour markets from 2008 to 2012


The polarisation of the UK labour market intensified during the great recession and its aftermath as low- and high-skilled jobs expanded while middle-skilled jobs fell as a share of employment. This report, produced in collaboration with the London School of Economics, lends credence to concerns that the long downturn may have pushed the UK towards … Continued

Decoupling of Wage Growth and Productivity Growth? Myth and Reality


A closer look at the decoupling of wage growth and productivity growth: Pessoa and Van Reenen distinguish between ‘gross’ and ‘net’ decoupling and examine the trends of both in the US and the UK. This report forms part of the Resolution Foundation’s work for its Commission on Living Standards. Visit the Commission’s website www.livingstandards.org to find … Continued

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