One foot on the ladder: how shared ownership can bring owning a home into reach


A major expansion of newly built shared ownership could help low and modest income working families across the country onto the property ladder, while keeping their housing costs affordable. One foot on the ladder shows that shared ownership – where buyers purchase at least 25 per cent of the equity in a home and pay a low rent … Continued

All work and no pay: Second earners’ work incentives and childcare costs under Universal Credit


A part-time cleaner with two children in childcare and working 25 hours a week would be £7 a week worse off than if she didn’t work at all while a part-time teacher with the same hours and childcare arrangements would be £57 a week better off under the Government’s new proposals to help working families … Continued

A Matter of Time: The rise of zero-hours contracts


It is not hard to see why zero-hours contracts can appear attractive to employers. They allow for maximum flexibility to meet changing demand. They can facilitate the management of risk, reduce the costs of recruitment and training, and they can, in certain circumstances, enable employers to avoid particular employment obligations. Yet it is clear that … Continued

Getting On: Universal Credit and older workers


Britain is missing a crucial opportunity to encourage more older people into work because the government’s new flagship welfare reform delivers only mixed benefits for the age group. While many older workers will be better off under Universal Credit (UC) – the system replacing tax credits and several other benefits from this year – others … Continued

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