Tough medicine

Assessing the Chancellor’s options in her first Budget

UpcomingMonday 14 October 2024

Register to attend in person or to receive an access link for online viewers. Painful post-election Budgets are a time-honoured tradition in Britain, and the new Government’s upcoming fiscal event will be no exception, with the PM and Chancellor already warning of tough decisions being made. Expectations are being set for higher taxes, higher borrowing … Continued

A build-up economic strategy

How much growth could the Government’s reforms deliver?

UpcomingThursday 19 September 2024

Register to attend in person or to receive an access link for online viewers. The past 15 years of economic stagnation has caused families’ living standards to flatline, and the new Government is right to put ‘kickstarting’ growth at the heart of its agenda. Already, Ministers have set out what many of their pro-growth reforms … Continued

Building Blocks

Can the Government hit its housing targets?

UpcomingThursday 12 September 2024

Register to attend in person or to receive an access link for online viewers. The new Government has set an ambitious target of delivering 1.5 million new homes over a five-year period – at a rate that hasn’t been achieved since the 1960s  – and has put planning reform at the heart of its agenda. … Continued

Taxed into a corner?

The Chancellor’s options in the upcoming Budget

UpcomingTuesday 10 September 2024

Register to attend in person or to receive an access link for online viewers. The Chancellor has set the date for the first Budget of Labour’s Government – 30th October – and has emphasised the stark fiscal difficulties facing the country, even if she goes ahead with the £23 billion a year of future tax … Continued

Making the ‘New Deal’ a good deal for low-paid workers

How should the Government deliver its planned changes to employment law?

Thursday 5 September 2024

Register to attend in person or to receive an access link. The Government has come into office promising major workplace reforms that could amount to the biggest shake-up of the workplace in a generation. The ‘New Deal for Working People’ pledged a number of reforms, including to unfair dismissal, sick pay, employment status, zero hours … Continued

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