Ending stagnation

How to boost prosperity across Scotland

Thursday 6 June 2024

This event was in Glasgow. A toxic combination of 15 years of low growth, and four decades of high inequality, has left Britain poorer and falling behind its peers. Productivity growth is weak and public investment is low, while wages today are no higher than they were before the financial crisis. Britain needs a new … Continued

Policy making beyond Westminster

Economic lessons from 25 years of national devolution

Monday 29 April 2024

1999 saw the Scottish Parliament, the Northern Ireland Assembly and the Senedd all meet in their full form for the first time. This marked the most significant act of devolution of the 20th Century, and it has changed the United Kingdom significantly over the past quarter of a century. The process of devolution has continued … Continued

The wealth of a nation

What the changing size and shape of household wealth means for Scotland

Monday 30 October 2023

This event was in Edinburgh. Record low interest rates over the past 30 years led to a wealth boom, with Scottish households seeing wealth rise by £700 billion since the financial crisis alone. But surging interest rates in 2022 have brought this era to an abrupt end, causing pension valuations to crater, mortgage costs to … Continued

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