Living standards· Budgets & fiscal events· Economy and public finances Budgeting for Britain What the Budget and Spending Review tell us about the Government’s economic strategy Thursday 28 October 2021 Rishi Sunak has had to make a flurry of major fiscal announcements during his 18-months as Chancellor amidst the Covid-19 crisis. At last, with the worse of the crisis behind us, he will hope to be able to set-out an economic plan for post-pandemic Britain in his Budget and Spending Review next Wednesday. However, with … Continued READ MORE
Intergenerational Centre Covid cohorts How have different generations fared in the second half of the pandemic? Thursday 21 October 2021 The Covid-19 pandemic has touched everyone’s lives, but has been felt differently across generations. And while the first half of the pandemic was marked by lockdowns to curb rising infections and deaths, the second half has been marked by the vaccine rollout and the reopening of the economy. The second half of the pandemic will … Continued READ MORE
Economy 2030 Trading places What does Brexit mean for the UK’s economic strategy? Thursday 14 October 2021 The UK’s political and policy debate on trade has become preoccupied with the nuts and bolts of individual trade deals – some real, some imaginary. Meanwhile bigger questions about the future path of the UK economy post-Brexit are ignored. Trade shapes our economic strengths and weaknesses, the jobs we do, and where we do them. … Continued READ MORE
Economy 2030 Pastures new Is lower migration the route to a new, higher wage, British economy? Wednesday 13 October 2021 Lower migration was always going to be a consequence of the vote to leave the European Union and Covid-19 has accelerated that change. The short term results include empty petrol stations and supermarkets’ warning of a Turkey-less Christmas. But wages are also rising fast for HGV drivers and the Prime Minister now insists that weaning … Continued READ MORE
Economic growth Cogs and Monsters How economics needs to adapt to solve the world’s crises Tuesday 12 October 2021 Digital technology, big data, machine learning and AI are revolutionizing both the tools of economics and the phenomena it seeks to measure, understand, and shape. The profession faces enormous challenges and opportunities in responding effectively to these dizzying changes and in helping policymakers solve the world’s crises – from steering the Covid recovery and tackling … Continued READ MORE
Political parties and elections Can Conservatives be loved in the South while ‘Levelling up’ the North? Sunday 3 October 2021 Resolution Foundation fringe event at Conservative Party Conference 2021 Britain’s place-based inequalities have rocked the electoral landscape in recent years, and the Government’s ‘levelling up’ agenda will attempt to close Britain’s deep-rooted prosperity gaps. But how can this welcome ambition translate into policies that will make a difference to people’s lives, and will more prosperous … Continued READ MORE
Political parties and elections The Big Debate What is the economic plan for post-pandemic Britain? Sunday 3 October 2021 Resolution Foundation fringe event at Conservative Party Conference 2021. This event is sponsored by Aviva. Britain is facing a decade of economic change on a scale we haven’t seen since at least the 1980s – from the Covid recovery to plotting a new path outside the EU, and transitioning towards a low carbon economy. The … Continued READ MORE
Economy 2030· Net zero The carbon crunch? Delivering the next phase of the Net Zero transition Thursday 30 September 2021 Over the course of the 2020s, the UK will embark on the crucial next phase of the transition toward a Net Zero economy. This will touch our lives and livelihoods like never before, as we decarbonise how we travel and heat our homes. And with COP 26 starting in Glasgow in little over a months’ … Continued READ MORE
Political parties and elections Labour’s Economic Plan For The UK Post-Covid In Conversation With Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves MP Tuesday 28 September 2021 Resolution Foundation fringe event at Labour Party Conference 2021. This event is organised in partnership with the FSB. The UK is set for a decade of profound economic change – from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic to our new future outside the EU and the urgent transition towards a low carbon economy. These changes … Continued READ MORE
Political parties and elections The Big Debate Where Next for the UK Economy Post-Pandemic? Sunday 26 September 2021 Resolution Foundation fringe event at Labour Party Conference 2021. This event is sponsored by Aviva. The UK is set for a decade of profound economic change – from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic to our new future outside the EU and the urgent transition towards a low carbon economy. These changes will be set … Continued READ MORE
Good job? How our experience of work has changed over the past 30 years Monday 20 September 2021 The world of work has changed substantially over the past 30 years – from what job we do, to how we do it and what we get paid. These things matter for our job satisfaction – indeed our life satisfaction, via the esteem we get from work, to the stress or success it can bring. … Continued READ MORE
Ventures Can tech help boost worker power? Tuesday 14 September 2021 Live interactive webinar. Register to receive access link. For many workers the rise of tech has resulted in greater insecurity, increased managerial control and more stressful working conditions. But tech can also be deployed to help boost worker power, increase choices and improve information. What potential is there for unions to develop tech-based approaches? What … Continued READ MORE
Social care· Public spending· Economy and public finances Nationally insured? Analysing the Government’s tax-raising plan to fund health and social care Wednesday 8 September 2021 Having promised a plan to reform social care and to not raise National Insurance in the 2019 General Election Manifesto, the Government has delivered on one promise, and broken the other, in spectacular fashion today. With over £30 billion worth of tax rises being announced in just six months, further funding for the NHS coming … Continued READ MORE
Public spending· Economy and public finances The Chancellor’s Autumn crunch Assessing the key economic decisions to come Monday 6 September 2021 Since his surprise promotion in March 2020, Rishi Sunak has spent his first 18 months as Chancellor in full Covid crisis mode. But as the worst of the crisis appears to be behind us, the Government has an Autumn crunch of tough decisions ahead of it – with a Spending Review and potential Budget to … Continued READ MORE
Economy 2030· Economic growth From boom to bust and back again 200 years of economic change across Britain Thursday 2 September 2021 Book launch for ‘Two hundred years of muddling through’ by Duncan Weldon The UK is facing a decisive decade of change, responding to the triple shocks of Brexit, Covid-19 and the transition to Net Zero. But this is not the first time Britain has faced such a radical upheaval. From industrial revolutions and the rise … Continued READ MORE
Covid-19· Household debt· Pensions & savings· Wealth & assets Whose wealth? Assessing the full impact of the pandemic on household wealth Monday 12 July 2021 While the Covid-19 pandemic has been about curbing and contraction – from normal activities to employment – many aspects of household wealth have grown very swiftly. Families unable to spend have amassed extra savings and homeowners have seen the value of their properties soar. But these wealth surges have been far from even, with some … Continued READ MORE
Covid-19· Living standards· Labour market The final furlough? Family finances in the Covid recovery Thursday 1 July 2021 The UK economy is bouncing back after the deepest downturn in over three centuries. That bounce is being felt in the labour market too, with furlough rates falling and some firms even reporting challenges hiring. However, almost three million people are still not working, while unemployment may rise later in the year. While the UK’s … Continued READ MORE
Economy 2030 A decisive decade for British business In conversation with Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng Tuesday 22 June 2021 Having suffered the biggest economic contraction in 300 years, the UK economy is back on the road to recovery. But the Covid recovery is just one of many huge economic shifts confronting British businesses over the next decade as the country embarks on a new future outside the EU, faces an urgent transition towards a … Continued READ MORE
Covid-19· Demographics· Intergenerational Centre Boomers and boomerangs The past and pandemic present of multi-generational living Monday 21 June 2021 The Covid-19 pandemic has had huge impacts on young people. Many have been furloughed, while others have lost their job or been unable to find one in the first place. And everyone has heard stories about how coping with these difficulties has seen many young people return to live with their parents. So-called ‘boomerangs’, opting … Continued READ MORE
Ventures Technology and low pay How Workertech can help build a better post-Covid future for workers Tuesday 8 June 2021 Discussions of the Future of Work frequently tend to focus on the role of technology in facilitating remote working for knowledge workers, the rise of the robots and the implications of AI. They seldom discuss how technology could be deployed to improve the prospects of low paid and insecure workers. The Resolution Foundation, in partnership … Continued READ MORE
Labour market· Low pay· Pay· Living Wage Earning back better The future of low pay in Britain Monday 7 June 2021 Britain’s low-paid workers have been at the epicentre of the Covid-19 crisis – as key workers unable to work from home during lockdown, or as those most likely to have lost their jobs as our low-paying social sectors – from hospitality to retail – have closed. As the economy reopens, low-paid workers should be at … Continued READ MORE
Covid-19· Fiscal policy· Macroeconomic policy Returning to centre stage Fiscal policy in the recovery Tuesday 1 June 2021 Fiscal policy has returned centre stage during the Covid-19 pandemic. But as countries begin to recovery from the crisis, they are taking different approaches to the scale of fiscal expansion and the timing of fiscal retrenchment. What is the right approach to fiscal policy in the recovery, and what are the challenges in terms of … Continued READ MORE
Covid-19· Economic growth Building back better Structural change in post-pandemic economies Thursday 27 May 2021 From the emptying of city centres and closure of entire industries, to the rapid growth in remote offices and new methods of work, the Covid-19 pandemic has fast-forwarded change in our economies. How much of this change is permanent, and what does it mean for how and where we live and work? How can policy … Continued READ MORE
Covid-19· Productivity & industrial strategy· Economic growth Powering ahead Raising our productivity game post-pandemic Wednesday 26 May 2021 The period between the Global Financial Crisis and the Covid-19 pandemic has been marked by chronically weak productivity across many advanced economies. In the UK that has seen weak pay growth and stagnant living standards. The Covid recovery offers an opportunity to reset this dismal productivity record, but how should policy makers do this? In … Continued READ MORE
Covid-19 The Covid Recovery Overcoming the Economic Challenges Monday 24 May 2021 The Covid-19 pandemic is far from over. But the roll-out of vaccines across the world holds out the promise that the Covid recovery, while not assured, is in sight. Due to the nature and scale of the crisis – which has upended everything from household working trends to government deficits – this means the Covid … Continued READ MORE