Universal Credit Seminar

Thursday 17 February 2011

The Welfare Reform Bill published on 17 February set out plans to replace the current system of means-tested benefits and tax credits for working-age adults with a single benefit from October 2013. The Universal Credit is designed to simplify the benefit system and strengthen financial incentives to work. However, there is likely to be a … Continued

Social mobility Seminar

Tuesday 1 February 2011

The question as to what has happened to social mobility in the UK over recent decades tends to generate more heat than light. To help clarify exactly what has happened to earnings mobility (and why) the Resolution Foundation has embarked on a major new programme of work. As part of this we hosted an expert … Continued

Institutional investment in the rental market to support the housing needs of people on low-to-middle incomes

Monday 13 December 2010

On 13 December we hosted a roundtable, in partnership with Grainger, to explore whether and how institutional investment could support the housing needs of people on low-to-middle incomes. The roundtable event was attended by a range of stakeholders including institutions, housing associations, landlords, experts and government policy makers. Key barriers to institutional investment included: lower … Continued

The Northern Money Conference

Monday 1 March 2010

Acting Director, Sophia Parker, sat on the panel at the Northern Money Conference; a financial inclusion conference focussed on meeting the financial needs of people on low and moderate incomes.

Lean Government: How to make cuts without wounding low earners

Wednesday 7 October 2009

The fringe event addressed how to make cuts in the post-recession recovery without wounding low earners. The chair was Jenni Russell, the Guardian and the speakers were David Willetts MP, Clive Cowdrey, Resolution Foundation and Mike Emmerich, Manchester’s Commission for the New Economy. Clive Cowdrey set the scene for the discussion by explaining the origins … Continued

Low earners in the recession: household finances roundtable

Tuesday 8 September 2009

The seminar examined the challenges that the recession presents to low earners in relation to their household finances and discussed the opportunities for how these challenges might be minimised and overcome. The role that government, private, public and third sector service organisations can and should be playing was considered and participants explored ways low earners … Continued

Low earners in the recession: work and skills roundtable

Thursday 3 September 2009

This seminar was one of three expert seminars held by the Foundation in September as part of its new programme of work on low earners through the recession and recovery. This seminar addressed the problems faced by low earners in the areas of work and skills in the recession and discussed the opportunities for how … Continued

Resolution Foundation Annual Conference 2009

Tuesday 31 March 2009

This year the Foundation’s Annual Conference stretched to a full day to accommodate an exciting line up of discussion and speakers. The theme of the morning session was Care and an Ageing Society, with Stephen O’Brien MP, Norman Lamb MP and Barbara Keeley MP speaking. The afternoon session focused on the successful progress that Money … Continued

Parliamentary Reception: launch of A New Social Care Architecture

Monday 8 December 2008

We launched our report Navigating the Way: the future care and well being of older people in the House of Commons on 8 December 2008. Speakers included Phil Hope MP, the Care Services Minister and Norman Lamb, the Liberal Democrat Health Spokesperson. The report sets out a vision for the care and support of older people and … Continued

Redesigning Social Care Expert Groups I and II

Wednesday 1 October 2008

As part of the Foundation’s programme of work on redesigning social care for older people, the Foundation invited five groups of experts, each with their own specialist perspectives on care, to come together to discuss the vision and architecture for a future care system in July 2008. Each group was tasked with designing a new … Continued

Low earners in the recession: housing and recession roundtable

Wednesday 10 September 2008

The seminar was part of a series on issues relating to housing, work and skills and household finances. It considered the impact of the recession on low earners and what more needs to change to protect them both now and going into recovery. The speakers were Yolande Barnes, Savills, who presented How is the housing market … Continued

Financial health meetings: drowning not waving?

Monday 1 September 2008

The Resolution Foundation and the Money Advice Trust held joint events at the Labour and Conservative Party conferences on the theme of financial health. The aim of the meetings was to discuss how we might build on current financial inclusion and capability agendas to make people more resilient and to explore what support people need … Continued

Resolution Foundation Annual Conference 2008

Tuesday 29 April 2008

Nick Clegg MP, David Willets MP, and Julie Jones, Chief Executive of the Social Care Institute for Excellence, joined the Resolution Foundation and nearly 100 stakeholders to discuss the issue of “Mapping future care”. The aim of the conference was to launch the Foundation’s new report A to Z: mapping long-term care market, with a presentation … Continued

Influencing financial behaviour and the role of generic financial advice

Friday 29 June 2007

The Resolution Foundation held a seminar on Friday 29 June 2007 to discuss the role of Generic Financial Advice (GFA) in influencing financial behaviour. The purpose of the seminar was to discuss this issue in the context of the Thoresen Review of Generic Financial Advice. The seminar was chaired by Sue Regan, Chief Executive of the … Continued

Generic financial advice and personal accounts

Wednesday 23 May 2007

The Resolution Foundation held a seminar on Wednesday 23 May 2007 to discuss generic financial advice and personal accounts. With the Pensions Bill in the House of Lords and the Thoresen Review underway, its purpose was to discuss a framework of ‘advice protocols’ on which the generic financial advice that should accompany personal accounts could … Continued

Resolution Foundation Annual Conference 2007

Wednesday 14 March 2007

The Resolution Foundation held its Annual Conference on 14th March 2007 to discuss key issues in developing a national approach to generic financial advice. It followed the establishment of the Thoresen Review of Generic Financial Advice which will carry out an independent feasibility study on this issue over the coming months.

Personal accounts and generic advice

Thursday 1 March 2007

The Resolution Foundation hosted an expert policy workshop to discuss what form generic advice might take in the context of personal accounts and began to develop some “advice protocols” for delivery and content. The following areas were addressed: ­ How personalised could and should generic advice be in the context of personal accounts? Presentation: how … Continued

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