Raising Living Standards – Rachel Reeves MP

Thursday 28 June 2012

The Resolution Foundation hosted a keynote political speech by Rachel Reeves MP, Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury, on the challenge of raising living standards for those on low to middle incomes in the decade ahead. This event is part of a series with future speakers including Nick Boles MP and Lord Andrew Adonis. This comes in … Continued

Tax credits: a help or hindrance for low pay?

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Tax credits provided a vital support for low to middle income households in the run up to the 2008 financial crisis.  With wage growth weak and female employment faltering, tax credits were all that prevented widespread declines in living standards. Yet with a price tag rising to nearly £30 billion a year many would argue … Continued

Inequality, Debt and Growth

Tuesday 15 May 2012

This event launched new analysis from NIESR on the link between inequality and debt in the run up to the 2008/09 financial crisis.  It considered the extent to which lower income households, who saw low income growth in the pre-crisis period, borrowed in order to sustain their consumption.  It also considered whether, with credit conditions … Continued

What price a living wage?

Thursday 10 May 2012

David Cameron has described the living wage as ‘an idea whose time has come’, yet relatively few workers have secured higher wages as a result of a living wage campaign. This event brought together private and public sector employers, unions, campaigners and researchers to better understand the benefits, costs and potential trade-offs of implementing a … Continued

Easing the squeeze: personal allowances or tax credits?

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Commission on Living Standards Policy Series In the run up to the Budget one of the central questions is what the next move will be on personal tax allowances as a tool in ‘ending austerity’ for those on low to middle incomes. The Resolution Foundation invites you to join us in a discussion of the … Continued

Developing an Industrial Strategy for the UK

Monday 27 February 2012

In an age of globalisation and rapid technological change, what steps must the UK take to rebalance the economy and improve productivity and real wages whilst delivering environmental sustainability and social justice. The Resolution Foundation, IPPR, and the New Economics Foundation held a conference bringing together senior politicians, leading academics and business leaders to discuss what an industrial strategy … Continued

Keynote speech by Nick Clegg

Thursday 26 January 2012

As part of the Resolution Foundation’s Commission on Living Standards the Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, gave a keynote speech. The Deputy Prime Minister spoke on how to improve the living standards of low to middle income families, before taking questions.

Progress for the Poor – how much do growth and government help?

Tuesday 22 November 2011

To mark the publication of his groundbreaking new book exploring the impact of economic growth and government policy on the living standards of the least well-off, the IPPR and the Resolution Foundation held a lunchtime discussion with Lane Kenworthy, Professor of Sociology and Political Science at the University of Arizona. With growth flat, living standards … Continued

The Great Stagnation? What Britain can learn from the declining fortunes of the American middle class

Monday 21 November 2011

As part of its Commission on Living Standards, Resolution Foundation held this seminal event which brought together leading US and UK economists to discuss what Britain can learn from the declining fortunes of the American middle class. For a generation the wages of ordinary working Americans have barely risen. Middle skilled jobs have been in … Continued

The end of home ownership – is renting really so bad?

Thursday 3 November 2011

Despite a continued aspiration to own, many low to middle income households are facing a lifetime of renting privately. In today’s housing market it would take the average low to middle income household 31 years to save for a deposit on a first home.  If the private rented sector is to meet their need for affordable, … Continued

Labour Party Conference: ‘Financial Health’ Breakfast Meeting

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Resolution Foundation hosted a ‘Financial Health’ breakfast at Labour Party Conference in partnership with Money Advice Trust to explore what can be done to improve the financial health of vulnerable people on low incomes. Gavin Kelly, Chief Executive of Resolution Foundation, opened and chaired the meeting pointing to the importance of financial health issue not … Continued

David Willetts MP launched new findings on social mobility

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Introduced by Clive Cowdery (Chairman of the Resolution Foundation), the discussion focused on which factors contribute to how peoples’ earnings change during their working lives. Is it about gender, where you live, what education you receive or what kind of job you have? Our most recent work reveals the answers to some of these questions. … Continued

Financial Health Forum: 15 June 2010

Wednesday 15 June 2011

The Financial Health Forum met on the 15th of June. The two subjects for in-depth discussion were the Consumer Financial Education Body (CFEB) and Money Guidance and the findings of new research by Policis into high cost credit and low income users. Chris Pond, the new FSA Senior Adviser to the CFEB, provided an update … Continued

Growth without gain?

Friday 27 May 2011

On 27 May the Resolution Foundation launched its first report to the Commission on Living Standards. Some of Britain’s leading economic thinkers came together to discuss whether the UK is moving into a new era of growth without gain for those on low to middle incomes. Chairing the event was Channel 4 News Economics Editor, Faisal … Continued

Living Wage Roundtable

Monday 9 May 2011

The Resolution Foundation hosted an expert roundtable in conjunction with IPPR to mark the beginning of our new joint project on the living wage – Making pay work: exploring the role of the living wage in improving living standards. The event included an outline of the project by Kayte Lawton (IPPR) & Matthew Whittaker (Resolution Foundation), … Continued

Financial Health Forum meeting

Tuesday 3 May 2011

The Financial Health Forum met for its 8th meeting this week. Attendees included experts in financial health within the financial services industry, government and the third sector.

Roundtable Discussion on Housing

Friday 15 April 2011

The Resolution Foundation held a roundtable discussion, in partnership with the London Development Agency, to consider the role Local Authorities can play in supporting the housing needs of low-to-middle earners via build-to-let development. The Resolution Foundation recently published a briefing paper outlining the housing needs of low-to-middle earners and the possible contribution of institutional investment in the … Continued

Seminar: The Future Financing of Childcare

Tuesday 12 April 2011

As part of changes to the benefits system and the introduction of universal credit, the Government has announced that it is rethinking the way in which government provides support for childcare for working parents but has not yet settled on a financing mechanism. Options include: providing support for childcare through a voucher or discount system, … Continued

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