2015 – The living standards election?

Monday 29 April 2013

This event unveiled a major new polling project from the Resolution Foundation which gives fresh insight into what voters think politicians can (and can’t) achieve on the economy and in relation to living standards at the 2015 general election. YouGov’s Peter Kellner, who headed the research, presented its findings and a panel of political experts … Continued

A Conservative agenda for tackling low pay

Wednesday 27 March 2013

With five million people being paid less than the living wage politicians of all parties need an agenda to address the UK’s low wage economy and lift living standards. In a keynote speech, Matthew Hancock MP set out a Conservative agenda for improving the plight of low paid Britain. This event is part of a … Continued

Reflections on the Budget

Thursday 21 March 2013

At this private roundtable held the morning after the Budget, John Hawksworth – Head of Macroeconomics at pwc – analysed some of the Budget’s key announcements and implications. Also giving responses at the event were Peter Kellner (President of YouGov), Vidhya Alakeson (Deputy Chief Executive of the Resolution Foundation) and Jonathan Portes, Director of NIESR.  These were followed … Continued

Squeezed Britain 2013

Wednesday 13 February 2013

In one of its biggest events of the year, the Resolution Foundation launches Squeezed Britain, an authoritative and insightful study of life on low to middle incomes.  The survey examines in depth the economic circumstances and financial pressures of the 10 million Britons who fall into this category and crystallises the essential themes of the Resolution Foundation’s work. … Continued

Counting the costs of childcare

Thursday 17 January 2013

Despite major investment since 2004, the UK continues to have some of the most expensive childcare in the world – a couple on double the average wage, with two children in childcare spend 30 per cent of their disposable income on childcare compared to a latest OECD average of just 12 per cent. Growing employment … Continued

Gaining from Growth: The final report of the Commission on Living Standards

Wednesday 31 October 2012

The Commission on Living Standards unveiled its final report, Gaining from Growth, on 31 October 2012 at Sixty One Whitehall. Speaking at the launch event, the Commission’s Chair Clive Cowdery said it suggested solutions to a “fundamental long-term structural problem in Britain” which means lower-income families no longer share in the benefits of national economic growth. He … Continued

Living with Less?

Monday 8 October 2012

Growth in the UK remains tepid. Forecasts from the OBR suggest growth in 2012 of just 0.7% and many commentators believe that this is optimistic. Such low levels of growth come with continued high unemployment and an unsurprising squeeze on living standards as families are forced to tighten their budgets and to pay down debt. … Continued

Renting nation with Lord Freud

Sunday 7 October 2012

The Resolution Foundation is hosting a high-level private roundtable at the Conservative Party conference with Lord Freud, Minister for Welfare Reform, on “Renting nation: welfare reform and growth in the private rented sector.” Recently published research from the Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research, commissioned for the Resolution Foundation and Shelter, shows that by 2025 … Continued

Renting nation with Jack Dromey MP

Wednesday 3 October 2012

The Resolution Foundation is hosting a high-level private roundtable at the Labour Party conference with Jack Dromey MP, Shadow Housing Minister, on “Renting nation: growth and reform in the private rented sector.” Recently published research from the Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research, commissioned for the Resolution Foundation and Shelter, shows that by 2025 the … Continued

The living wage: Is decent pay for all possible?

Monday 1 October 2012

The Resolution Foundation and IPPR will host an event at this year’s Labour Party Conference in Manchester to discuss the future prospects of the living wage. The concept of a living wage has gained increasing traction across the political spectrum in recent years yet remains under-interrogated. As a result, the Resolution Foundation and IPPR established … Continued

Renting nation with Andrew Stunell MP

Tuesday 25 September 2012

The Resolution Foundation is hosting a high-level private roundtable at the Liberal Democrat Party conference with Andrew Stunell MP, former Minister for Communities and Local Government, on “Renting nation: growth and reform in the private rented sector.” Recently published research from the Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research, commissioned for the Resolution Foundation and Shelter, … Continued

It’s the Middle Class, Stupid! Stan Greenberg and David Miliband MP

Tuesday 11 September 2012

The Resolution Foundation hosted a keynote speech by Stan Greenberg, former polling advisor to President Bill Clinton, to discuss the issues raised by his latest book (co-written with James Carville), It’s the Middle Class, Stupid! The event was chaired by David Miliband MP and asked what the UK can learn from the US experience, discussing what action we can take … Continued

Raising Living Standards – Rachel Reeves MP

Thursday 28 June 2012

The Resolution Foundation hosted a keynote political speech by Rachel Reeves MP, Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury, on the challenge of raising living standards for those on low to middle incomes in the decade ahead. This event is part of a series with future speakers including Nick Boles MP and Lord Andrew Adonis. This comes in … Continued

Tax credits: a help or hindrance for low pay?

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Tax credits provided a vital support for low to middle income households in the run up to the 2008 financial crisis.  With wage growth weak and female employment faltering, tax credits were all that prevented widespread declines in living standards. Yet with a price tag rising to nearly £30 billion a year many would argue … Continued

Inequality, Debt and Growth

Tuesday 15 May 2012

This event launched new analysis from NIESR on the link between inequality and debt in the run up to the 2008/09 financial crisis.  It considered the extent to which lower income households, who saw low income growth in the pre-crisis period, borrowed in order to sustain their consumption.  It also considered whether, with credit conditions … Continued

What price a living wage?

Thursday 10 May 2012

David Cameron has described the living wage as ‘an idea whose time has come’, yet relatively few workers have secured higher wages as a result of a living wage campaign. This event brought together private and public sector employers, unions, campaigners and researchers to better understand the benefits, costs and potential trade-offs of implementing a … Continued

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