Dealing with ‘No Deal’

What should the Chancellor and Governor do?

Thursday 19 September 2019

Across Whitehall, preparations for ‘No Deal’ are now dominating, from maintaining medical supplies to bolstering border controls. But the Treasury and the Bank of England also need to prepare a macroeconomic response to a ‘No Deal’ Brexit.

Political parties and elections

How to train your Prime Minister

What can the last nine leaders teach us?

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Chief Executive Torsten Bell discusses Steve Richard’s new book ‘The Prime Ministers’ with the author, before taking part in a wider discussion and audience Q&A about the leadership qualities of UK Prime Ministers past, present and (possibly) future.

Tough enough?

Enforcing Britain’s labour market rules

Monday 16 September 2019

Workers across Britain have a multitude of rights at work – from the minimum wage to maximum hours. But, despite receiving far too little attention, it is labour market enforcement that is essential to turn those rights into a reality.

Monetary policy
Macroeconomic policy

Ready for the next recession?

Assessing the UK’s macroeconomic framework

Monday 9 September 2019

To mark its launch of its new Macroeconomic Policy Unit, Resolution Foundation is hosting an event that brings together leading macroeconomists and policy makers, and will include the publishing of a comprehensive assessment of the UK’s current macroeconomic policy framework.

Fake news, real economy

Can stories drive economic events?

Tuesday 3 September 2019

The world is awash with viral stories – some of which are more evidence-based than others. There’s been a lot of controversy about their ability to shape elections, but can they shape economics too?

The past, present and future of living standards

What drives income growth and inequality across Britain?

Wednesday 17 July 2019

At an event at its Westminster offices, the Resolution Foundation marked the launch of its annual Living Standards Audit with a speech by Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell MP, alongside a presentation of the report’s key findings.

Social care
Intergenerational Centre

Tackling Britain’s care crisis

What would a cross-party, long-term plan look like?

Thursday 11 July 2019

How can we push forward a sustainable solution to Britain’s care crisis? Event with speakers including former Deputy Prime Minister Damian Green, former Shadow Minister for Care Liz Kendall, and former Minister for Care Norman Lamb.

Meet the new dosh, same as the old dosh

Should ‘People’s Quantitative Easing’ be used to fight the next crisis?

Tuesday 9 July 2019

Book launch for economist Frances Coppola’s new book ‘The Case for People’s Quantitative Easing’. A panel of experts joined Frances to debate the role of QE in the next recession

A lifetime of living standards

Launch of the Intergenerational Centre and inaugural Intergenerational Audit

Thursday 20 June 2019

To mark the launch of the Intergenerational Centre, led by Lord David Willetts, we published our inaugural Intergenerational Audit, funded by the Nuffield Foundation, to provide an up-to-date take on the big intergenerational issues facing 21st Century Britain.

Measuring poverty around the world: Launch of new book by Tony Atkinson with keynote address by Nick Stern

Tuesday 11 June 2019

Tuesday 11 June, 9.30-11.30am, Resolution Foundation offices, Westminster Tony Atkinson was one of the world’s leading social scientists and a pioneer in the study of poverty and inequality. His final book, Measuring Poverty around the World, published this month by Princeton University Press, provides an inspiring analysis of how poverty is – and should be – measured, … Continued

Moving on up

Has Britain’s housing crisis made us a less mobile nation?

Thursday 6 June 2019

We presented research on the impact of recent housing trends on young people’s pay and job prospects. A panel of experts, including Liz Truss, Chief Secretary to the Treasury, then discussed the issues raised from the research.

Low pay

The end of low pay?

Charting the future of the minimum wage

Thursday 30 May 2019

At the event to mark the launch of Professor Arin Dube’s review we heard from him and the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and also presented new research on the future of the minimum wage from our ‘Low Pay Britain’ report.

The hangover: Why young workers can’t shake off the recession

Monday 13 May 2019

Monday 13 May, 9.30-10.45am, Resolution Foundation offices, Westminster All recessions hurt, but they hurt different groups differently. The young are often worst affected, whether by high youth unemployment, low starting salaries or painful pay squeezes. Ten years on from the financial crisis it’s time to take stock of how lasting the effect has been on … Continued

Grey(t) Britain: lessons for an ageing society

Thursday 2 May 2019

Britain is undergoing a dramatic demographic shift. The combination of rising life expectancy and the transition of the baby boomer generation into retirement means that the country has a record share of pensioners, which will continue to grow over the coming decades. Longer living is arguably the best hallmark of human progress, but it does … Continued

Living standards across Britain: the 700-year view

Wednesday 1 May 2019

Sometimes it’s good to step back from the short-term economic noise and take a long view – a very long view. Because while changes in living standards are driven by the economic cycle, and policy changes, they are also wider driven by wider economic shifts that play out over decades, rather than months and years. What have … Continued

Old answers to new questions? The future of social housing in the UK

Monday 8 April 2019

Post-war governments invested heavily in social housing. But it then fell spectacularly out of favour, with the introduction of Right-to-Buy in 1980 sparking a decline in social housing stock. Almost 40 years on, attitudes toward social housing appear to be changing again. In 2017, Theresa May earmarked £2 billion of new money for social rented … Continued

Even Greater Manchester: The London launch of the Independent Prosperity Review

Tuesday 5 March 2019

The Greater Manchester Independent Prosperity Review was established to undertake a detailed and rigorous assessment of the current state, and future potential, of Greater Manchester’s economy. The review provides a major update of the city region’s economic evidence base providing lessons for policy makers across Greater Manchester, and for other city-regions across the UK with … Continued

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