Productivity & industrial strategy· Labour market· Economic growth ‘The Technology Trap’ Capital, labour and power in the age of automation Monday 24 June 2019 Book launch for ‘The Technology Trap’ by Carl Frey, examining the impact of technological change on the world of work and the wider economy over the last 800 years, and what the age of automation might mean for the future of work. READ MORE
Living standards· Intergenerational Centre A lifetime of living standards Launch of the Intergenerational Centre and inaugural Intergenerational Audit Thursday 20 June 2019 To mark the launch of the Intergenerational Centre, led by Lord David Willetts, we published our inaugural Intergenerational Audit, funded by the Nuffield Foundation, to provide an up-to-date take on the big intergenerational issues facing 21st Century Britain. READ MORE
Labour market The ‘Transatlantic jobs miracle’: What lies behind and beneath it? Wednesday 12 June 2019 Book launch for ‘Not Working’ by David Blanchflower Wednesday 12 June, 6-7.15pm, Resolution Foundation offices, Westminster In the US, unemployment has fallen to a five decade low, while in the UK it is at its lowest level since 1974. These headline figures suggest that both countries are close to full employment – and that … Continued READ MORE
Living standards Measuring poverty around the world: Launch of new book by Tony Atkinson with keynote address by Nick Stern Tuesday 11 June 2019 Tuesday 11 June, 9.30-11.30am, Resolution Foundation offices, Westminster Tony Atkinson was one of the world’s leading social scientists and a pioneer in the study of poverty and inequality. His final book, Measuring Poverty around the World, published this month by Princeton University Press, provides an inspiring analysis of how poverty is – and should be – measured, … Continued READ MORE
Housing· Intergenerational Centre Moving on up Has Britain’s housing crisis made us a less mobile nation? Thursday 6 June 2019 We presented research on the impact of recent housing trends on young people’s pay and job prospects. A panel of experts, including Liz Truss, Chief Secretary to the Treasury, then discussed the issues raised from the research. READ MORE
Low pay· Pay The end of low pay? Charting the future of the minimum wage Thursday 30 May 2019 At the event to mark the launch of Professor Arin Dube’s review we heard from him and the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and also presented new research on the future of the minimum wage from our ‘Low Pay Britain’ report. READ MORE
Intergenerational Centre New threats to an age-old problem: How poverty varies across our generations and lifecycles Wednesday 22 May 2019 The nature and timing of poverty varies much more than we think between generations and over the lifecycle. Understanding these shifts is crucial if we are to make the right interventions to reduce poverty throughout society. READ MORE
Labour market· Intergenerational Centre The hangover: Why young workers can’t shake off the recession Monday 13 May 2019 Monday 13 May, 9.30-10.45am, Resolution Foundation offices, Westminster All recessions hurt, but they hurt different groups differently. The young are often worst affected, whether by high youth unemployment, low starting salaries or painful pay squeezes. Ten years on from the financial crisis it’s time to take stock of how lasting the effect has been on … Continued READ MORE
Labour market A humanised revolution? Launch event for Clear Bright Future by Paul Mason Tuesday 7 May 2019 While much of the world feels like it’s going through a period of sweeping political, economic and social change, what it means to be human remains unchanged but not unchallenged. Does the new world of big data and technological change bring new opportunities to empower citizens? Or will it replace them? How much agency do … Continued READ MORE
Grey(t) Britain: lessons for an ageing society Thursday 2 May 2019 Britain is undergoing a dramatic demographic shift. The combination of rising life expectancy and the transition of the baby boomer generation into retirement means that the country has a record share of pensioners, which will continue to grow over the coming decades. Longer living is arguably the best hallmark of human progress, but it does … Continued READ MORE
Living standards Living standards across Britain: the 700-year view Wednesday 1 May 2019 Sometimes it’s good to step back from the short-term economic noise and take a long view – a very long view. Because while changes in living standards are driven by the economic cycle, and policy changes, they are also wider driven by wider economic shifts that play out over decades, rather than months and years. What have … Continued READ MORE
Housing Old answers to new questions? The future of social housing in the UK Monday 8 April 2019 Post-war governments invested heavily in social housing. But it then fell spectacularly out of favour, with the introduction of Right-to-Buy in 1980 sparking a decline in social housing stock. Almost 40 years on, attitudes toward social housing appear to be changing again. In 2017, Theresa May earmarked £2 billion of new money for social rented … Continued READ MORE
Labour market Looming crisis or new opportunity? Skilling the nation in Brexit Britain Monday 18 March 2019 Raising skill-levels boosts pay, productivity and ultimately living standards. And yet the pace of growth in educational attainment has stalled – with a slowdown in people progressing to mid- and higher-level qualifications, and many firms reporting damaging skills shortages. Who has benefitted from investment in skills over the last 20 years, and who has been … Continued READ MORE
Labour market Even Greater Manchester: The London launch of the Independent Prosperity Review Tuesday 5 March 2019 The Greater Manchester Independent Prosperity Review was established to undertake a detailed and rigorous assessment of the current state, and future potential, of Greater Manchester’s economy. The review provides a major update of the city region’s economic evidence base providing lessons for policy makers across Greater Manchester, and for other city-regions across the UK with … Continued READ MORE
Economy and public finances Spring in our step or long winter ahead? The UK economy on Brexit eve Monday 4 March 2019 Coming a fortnight before Britain is scheduled to leave the EU, the upcoming Spring Statement will provide an important health check on the UK economy as we prepare to depart. But looking into the future poses challenges for any forecaster wrestling with the recent growth slowdown and the uncertainty of what form Brexit will eventually … Continued READ MORE
Labour market Taking stock: What do changes in the way we shop mean for jobs in retail? Wednesday 27 February 2019 The seismic changes on the high street have been hugely visible throughout Britain, and prompted much soul searching from businesses, communities and policy makers in local, regional and national government. But even more important than the recent loss of some household names, is what the changing way we live, work and shop means for the … Continued READ MORE
Monetary policy· Economy and public finances The Economic Outlook: Speech by MPC member Gertjan Vlieghe Thursday 14 February 2019 Predicting the future is an impossible task during the most stable economic climates, let alone amid the uncertainty currently facing the UK economy. But a clear understanding of the UK’s economic outlook, and how this fits with wider global trends, is essential for sound policy making. At an event at its Westminster headquarters, the Resolution … Continued READ MORE
Living standards Happy now? Wellbeing lessons for policy makers Wednesday 13 February 2019 Subjective wellbeing is arguably the most important objective for households, but historically it has been far less of a priority for governments. However, the wellbeing agenda has grown in importance in Whitehall over the last decade and we have been comprehensively tracking it in official data since 2011. Now is the time to ask what concrete … Continued READ MORE
Economy and public finances British politics beyond Brexit: Where are Labour heading? Monday 11 February 2019 Brexit is dominating our politics, but there will be politics beyond Brexit. New domestic policy issues will force their way back onto the agenda, and old ones – including those driving aspects of the Brexit vote – will return to national debates. Our biggest political parties will shape – and be shaped by– these debates … Continued READ MORE
Economy and public finances British politics beyond Brexit: Where are the Conservatives heading? Thursday 7 February 2019 Brexit is dominating our politics, but there will be politics beyond Brexit. New domestic policy issues will force their way back onto the agenda, and old ones – including those driving aspects of the Brexit vote – will return to national debates. Our biggest political parties will shape – and be shaped by – these … Continued READ MORE
Economy and public finances Back to the future on Brexit: Digging deep into how Britain came to leave Wednesday 6 February 2019 Book launch for ‘A Short History of Brexit’ by Kevin O’ Rourke The UK’s decision to leave the European Union may have come as a surprise to some, but it certainly didn’t come out of nowhere. Our relationship with Europe, and the nature of the EU itself, are both products of a history built up … Continued READ MORE
Labour market The jobs boom: How has our employment surge changed Britain? Monday 14 January 2019 Ten years ago, as the financial crisis became a crisis for the real economy, many expected to see a return to the 3 million unemployed that had followed the recessions of the 1980s and 1990s. Instead Britain saw far fewer job losses and a stronger employment recovery, with the UK hitting new employment records from … Continued READ MORE
Housing Lender of last resort? The Bank of Mum and Dad and Britain’s millennial housing crisis Tuesday 4 December 2018 High house prices and weak wage growth have led to a stark fall in home ownership rates among young people since the early 2000s, with a typical first-time buyer needing 18 years to save for a deposit, up from 3 years in the mid-90s. Increasingly stepping into this gap has been the Bank of Mum … Continued READ MORE
Economy and public finances Light at the end of the tunnel? Will it be an ‘end of austerity’ Budget Wednesday 24 October 2018 With just a few weeks to go until Budget 2018, the Chancellor faces a tough balancing act of managing high expectations following promises of an end to austerity, and even higher uncertainty as Britain prepares to leave the European Union next Spring. Faced with such uncertainty, how can the Chancellor find the extra £20bn promised … Continued READ MORE
Labour market Riding the Rollercoaster: How volatile earnings can affect living standards Monday 15 October 2018 Much of Britain, from our bills to our welfare state, is built around a steady monthly pay cheque. But for many people their wages are far less secure. There are many reasons for earnings volatility – from people changing roles, switching hours or losing shifts, to receiving a one-off bonus – but its extent and … Continued READ MORE