An economic battleplan

Assessing the design and delivery of Britain’s COVID-19 response

Thursday 30 April 2020

Faced with an unprecedented economic crisis, the Government and the Bank of England have announced an unprecedented package of support measures – from business loans and more generous benefits, to paying the wages of a huge proportion of the private sector workforce. This bold action is costly but necessary – and more will be required … Continued

The corona crisis

The economic impact of COVID-19

Thursday 16 April 2020

The coronavirus public health crisis has quickly turned into an economic crisis. The necessary social distancing measures have closed down huge swathes of the UK economy, while the Government has committed hundreds of billions of pounds to supporting firms and workers through the downturn. Amid huge uncertainty about the scale and duration of the crisis, it is crucial that … Continued

Big bangs for big bucks

Making a success of the Budget’s £100bn infrastructure plan

Wednesday 4 March 2020

Wednesday 4 March, 9.30-10.45am, Resolution Foundation offices, Westminster The government wants to make ‘levelling up’ the country its defining mission – and it’s first big tool for making that happen will come at the Budget with the Chancellor expected to announce up to £100 billion of new capital spending. Our national infrastructure needs updating, our … Continued

Blowing the Budget?

The Resolution Foundation's pre-Budget report

Monday 24 February 2020

The first Budget of a new parliament is always important as it frames the government’s economic agenda for the rest of the term. And the upcoming Budget is set to be big not just in political strategy terms, but in hard cash too – with £100bn of new capital spending expected to support the government’s … Continued

Patrolling a ‘tight’ labour market

The future of enforcing employment protections

Thursday 13 February 2020

Thursday 13 February, 9.30-10.45am, Resolution Foundation offices, Westminster A successful labour market needs to deliver on quantity and quality, creating a virtuous circle of better work and pay for everyone. The task facing policy makers is to set the rules of the labour market to make that a reality – and to ensure those rules … Continued

New Decade, New Politics

How should the Conservatives and Labour navigate the 2020s?

Thursday 6 February 2020

Wednesday 29 January, 9.30-10.45am and Thursday 6 February, 9.30-10.45am, Resolution Foundation offices, Westminster The 2010s was a tumultuous decade for politics, featuring four elections and three referendums, all under the long shadow of the global financial crisis. As we begin a new decade, the political landscape has completely changed – with the first strong government … Continued

Working for your poverty

Does work provide a reliable escape route from poverty?

Tuesday 4 February 2020

Tuesday 4 February, 9.30-10.45am, Resolution Foundation offices, Westminster Employment is at a record high, but working poverty has also risen across the UK – with two in three children living in poverty living in working households. Understanding why this is the case – and how it can be changed – is a critical question for … Continued

Round the houses

Will the new decade have any answers to the old question of Britain’s housing crisis?

Thursday 30 January 2020

To mark the first edition of its new quarterly housing report, the Resolution Foundation will present new research on a decade of changes in housing, and the consequences for living standards today. An expert panel will join to discuss the issues.

Right here, right now

Assessing Universal Credit in policy and practice

Tuesday 21 January 2020

Tuesday 21 January 10-11.15am, Resolution Foundation offices, Westminster The decade-long roll-out of Universal Credit (UC) is at a critical juncture. This parliament, rather than the last one, will see the majority of people moving onto the benefit. Around seven million families across the UK will be receiving UC by 2024, following the final stage of … Continued

Monetary policy
Low pay
Labour market
Economic growth

Working Britain

What does 2020 have in store for job prospects and pay packets?

Friday 10 January 2020

Friday 10 January 2019, 9.30-10.45am, Resolution Foundation offices, Westminster 2019 was a good year for the labour market – the area of the economy that matters most to households. Employment reached a new record high, while pay growth finally approached pre-crisis levels. The strong performance of the UK labour market is all the more remarkable … Continued

The Economic Outlook for 2020 and beyond

Speech by MPC member Jonathan Haskel

Friday 20 December 2019

Friday 20 December, 11am-12pm, Resolution Foundation offices, Westminster The UK is about enter a new year, and a new decade, amid widespread economic uncertainty at home and abroad. Understanding the unique pressures facing the UK, and how our economy is influenced by wider economic trends, will be cruciall for policy makers as we enter a … Continued

Political parties and elections

Election dissection

Analysing General Election 2019

Friday 13 December 2019

Friday 13 December, 12.15-1.30pm, Resolution Foundation offices, Westminster On 12 December 2019 the UK had its third General Election in four years. After weeks and months of speculation, by lunchtime on Friday 13 December we had the results. But big questions remained. How – and where – was the election won and lost? What does … Continued

Economy and public finances
Political parties and elections

Beveridge mark II?

The future of social security

Tuesday 26 November 2019

From a new ‘triple-locked’ state pension to big welfare cuts for young families and the roll-out of the Universal Credit, no area of the state has undergone such a radical transformation over the past decade as social security. That transformation is set to continue in the next parliament too, as Universal Credit is extended to … Continued

Don’t be evil

What went wrong with big tech and how can we fix it?

Tuesday 19 November 2019

Book launch for ‘Don’t Be Evil’ by Rana Foroohar When Google adopted their “Don’t be evil” motto in the late 1990s, many people believed new technologies would usher in a safer, happier, more-connected and more productive new world. Twenty years on, these technologies are now often associated with fears about privacy, fake news, and online … Continued

Living Wage

The floor’s the limit

Examining the main parties’ plans for a higher minimum wage

Monday 18 November 2019

An expert panel will discuss RF’s new analysis of the two main parties’ plans for the minimum wage, including how they compare with each other, with other countries, and how they might affect firms and workers across the UK.

Political parties and elections

A taxing election

Do the parties’ tax plans match up to the needs of modern Britain?

Wednesday 13 November 2019

At an event at its Westminster offices, the Resolution Foundation presented new analysis on the changing shape of the UK’s system, and the main parties’ tax plans. Panel including Edward Troup, former Executive Chair of HMRC.

Growth vs equality: Trade-offs or complements?

 Book launch for ‘Unbound: How Inequality Constricts Our Economy and What We Can Do about It’ by Heather Boushey

Tuesday 12 November 2019

Tuesday 12 November, 6-7.15pm, Resolution Foundation offices, Westminster The US and UK have among the highest levels of inequality among advanced economies, and have remained stubbornly high across successive governments. Some policymakers have argued that that policies to prevent inequality rising, or to bring it back down, would cause wider harm by reducing economic growth. … Continued

Lending a hand

Family support amid rising life expectancy

Monday 11 November 2019

The Resolution Foundation will host an expert panel to discuss the changes a longer life will bring to our families. The panel – including Baroness Camilla Cavendish, journalist and author of Extra Time – will be chaired by Lord David Willetts.

Generation Pinched?

Book launch for the new edition of The Pinch, by David Willetts

Tuesday 5 November 2019

In 2010 David Willetts published The Pinch, the first book to warn that younger generations in Britain were losing out to the baby boomers. Ten years on, Lord Willetts has revised and updated The Pinch, drawing on new evidence from the Resolution Foundation. The evidence is even more overwhelming – and the problem is more … Continued

Economy and public finances
Political parties and elections

The shape of things to come

Assessing the main parties' plans for tax and spend

Monday 4 November 2019

Monday 4 November, 9.40-11am, Resolution Foundation offices, Westminster | Part I of a pre-election trilogy of RF events on the past, present and future of the state After almost a decade of austerity, both main political parties want to expand the size of the state – with commitments from new hospitals to renationalised utility companies expected in … Continued

Rewriting the rule book

A new fiscal framework for new economic times

Tuesday 29 October 2019

We present our latest paper from our Macroeconomic Policy Unit on what the UK’s new fiscal rules should be, followed by a debate by an expert panel on the pros and cons of new fiscal rules.

Ageing fast, ageing slow

When Britain’s geography and demography collide

Monday 28 October 2019

Britain is getting older. Life expectancy is rising and, with Britain’s large post-war baby boomer generation now moving into retirement, a growing proportion of our population are pensioners. But not all parts of Britain are ageing at the same pace, and some are actually getting younger. These major demographic differences between places are profoundly important … Continued

Structurally unsound

Tackling embedded social inequality in the UK

Tuesday 8 October 2019

Britain is a more inclusive and open society than it was, but structural inequalities persist. These inequalities – covering race, gender, class, sexuality and health – are not always obvious, but they are embedded and tilt the balance against too many.

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