Labour market· Skills· Wellbeing and mental health Left behind Exploring the prevalence of youth worklessness due to ill health in different parts of the UK 5 June 2023 Louise Murphy This briefing note is part of the Young people’s future health inquiry, a three-year programme supported by the Health Foundation. It explores the prevalence of youth worklessness due to ill health in different parts of the UK. We find that economic inactivity due to ill health among 18-24 year-olds has nearly doubled over the past decade, and is heavily concentrated among those with low levels of skills, with four-in-five young people who are too ill to work having only qualifications at GCSE-level or below. There are considerable differences between parts of the UK, with young people in areas dominated by small towns and villages more likely to be workless due to ill health than those living in large cities such as Glasgow, Liverpool and London.