Family matters

How concerns for younger relatives bridge generational divides

Report by Zack Grant, Jane Green & Geoffrey Evans of Nuffield Politics Research Centre, Nuffield College, University of Oxford, in collaboration with Molly Broome, Sophie Hale & Lord David Willetts of the Resolution Foundation.

This new report, a collaborative project between the Resolution Foundation and Nuffield College, Oxford, investigates people’s attitudes towards intergenerational inequalities in economic wellbeing, as well as public policies that might help to reduce them. The authors place a special emphasis on the opinions of middle-aged (40-59) and older (60+) Britons, who make up an ever-growing proportion of the national electorate. It shows who, within these older groups, is sympathetic to the difficulties facing younger adults and supports state investment in them. This sympathy and support is shown to derive from family ties which motivate older adults to support policies that benefit younger generations, and punish parties whose policies do not.

The full report Family Matters: How concerns for younger relatives bridge generational divides is available online at: