Universal Credit is now better equipped for the final phase of its roll-out – but challenges remain

Commenting on the regulations laid down in parliament today (Monday) that will govern the final phase of the Universal Credit roll-out, David Finch, Senior Fellow at the Resolution Foundation, said:

“The final phase of the Universal Credit roll-out, which will involve around two million families moving from one benefits system to another, is the biggest challenge yet facing the government’s flagship welfare reform.

“Its progress has been significantly eased by the welcome measures announced in the Budget, including higher Work Allowances and the rolling-on of key benefits to prevent significant waits between payments. The Secretary of State’s relaxation of hard deadlines within which families must complete a claim is also encouraging. But challenges remain.

“The good news is that with the final phase now not starting until late 2020, there is still plenty of time for the government to make further improvements. The government must increase the share of claims that are paid in full and on time, and improve the treatment of self-employed workers, to ensure this difficult final phase of the roll-out delivers for those that Universal Credit was created to support.”

Notes to Editors

  • The Social Security Advisory Committee report into the ‘managed migration’ phase of Universal Credit, along with the government’s response, is here. The government’s regulations are here.
  • The Resolution Foundation’s recommendations for the final phase of the UC roll-out are available here.