Family incomes were protected over the course of the pandemic – but have fallen sharply since

Unprecedented government support helped to ensure that typical disposable incomes didn’t fall over the course of the pandemic, and actually rose for poor families, in marked contrast to the biggest income squeeze in a generation that Britain is currently living through, the Resolution Foundation said today (Thursday) in response to the latest Households Below Average … Continued

Budget succeeds in boosting employment but leaves household incomes stagnant, as citizens pay higher taxes to see many services cut

The Chancellor announced an impressively broad suite of policies to encourage more people into work, but Britain’s economy remains stuck in a deep funk – with people supported into work but getting poorer, and paying more tax but seeing public services cut, the Resolution Foundation said today (Thursday) in its overnight analysis. The Foundation’s Budget … Continued

Chancellor succeeds in boosting employment but not investment against a better, but still bad, economic outlook

Faced with an economic outlook that has improved in the short term but remains weak, the Chancellor today (Wednesday) delivered a major policy package that is likely to be more successful at getting Britain working than investing, the Resolution Foundation said in its response to Budget 2023. Following energy price falls, the OBR has significantly … Continued

Signs of a partial ‘return to work’ and slowing pay growth bring glimmers of good news ahead of the Budget

The jobs market has remained resilient in the face of rising interest rates and the cost-of-living crisis, with unemployment stable and wage inflation moving closer to a range the Bank of England can live with, said the Resolution Foundation in response to today’s labour market statistics release. Demand for workers appears stable, with vacancies falling … Continued

Borrowing boost means Chancellor’s Budget will deliver fresh cost-of-living support, but he faces tough choices on resolving strikes, raising employment, and reforming tax

The Chancellor is set to receive a short-term borrowing boost in his Budget, some of which he will use to prevent a spike in energy bills and petrol prices next month. But in the face of a longer-term weak outlook he faces tough choices on how to resolve public sector strikes and boost Britain’s growth … Continued

Forget ‘unretiring’ the Covid cohort – mothers, older workers and people with disabilities hold the key to getting Britain working 

Government efforts to boost Britain’s workforce should focus on supporting more mothers into work, and helping older workers and those with a disability stay in work, rather than persuading the large Covid cohort of older workers to ‘unretire’, according to new Resolution Foundation research published today (Tuesday). The issue of workforce participation has come to … Continued

Inflation falls, but cost-of-living gap grows

CPI inflation fell for the third consecutive month to 10.1 per cent in January, but the inflation rates experienced by rich and poor households grew to 2.9 percentage points, the Resolution Foundation said today (Wednesday) in response to the latest ONS prices data. Services inflation – which is a better indicator of domestically generated inflation … Continued

UK narrowly avoids recession amid living standards downturn

The UK avoided a recession by the narrowest of margins last year, but with household incomes falling, families are still living through a living standards downturn, the Resolution Foundation said today (Friday) in response to the latest ONS GDP data. GDP in Q4 2022 was broadly flat, following a contraction in Q3, with weak trade … Continued

Housing cost struggles up by 70 per cent since peak of the pandemic

The cost-of-living crisis has left over two-in-five working age households struggling with or falling behind on their housing costs, compared to just over a quarter of households at the peak of the pandemic, according to new Resolution Foundation analysis published today (Saturday). The Foundation’s latest Housing Outlook uses data from a new YouGov survey of … Continued

TaskHer, the online booking platform helping homeowners book professional tradeswomen raises £200k from a trio of impact investors

TaskHer, the online booking platform helping homeowners book professional tradeswomen, today announced that it has raised £200k in a pre-seed funding round from a trio of UK impact investors. The investment from Bethnal Green Ventures, Resolution Foundation and Ufi Ventures will be used to develop the platform and to support and build the growing community … Continued

Care workers are paying for their dedication with unsafe working conditions and unlawful minimum wage under-payment

Social care workers have higher levels of job satisfaction and stronger job attachment than those in other low-paying sectors, but many have to contend with unsafe working conditions and unlawful under-payment of the minimum wage, according to new research published today (Thursday) by the Resolution Foundation. The Foundation’s report Who cares?, supported by Unbound Philanthropy, … Continued

Record borrowing in December shows Britain is far from out of the woods

Recent glimmers of good economic news have yet to feed into the public finances, with borrowing in December around £4 billion higher than market expectations, and nearly £10 billion higher than OBR forecasts (due in partly to the treatment of student loans), the Resolution Foundation said today (Tuesday) in response to the latest ONS public … Continued

UK’s saving incentives not fit for purpose with the rich pocketing lion’s share of £7 billion cost

Government incentives for savings are not fit for purpose, with around 750,000 low-and-middle income households having no savings at all, as rich individuals benefit from costly and unnecessary tax breaks, according to new Resolution Foundation research published today (Monday). The report ISA ISA Baby – published in partnership with the abrdn Financial Fairness Trust – … Continued

Five terrible tax breaks are costing taxpayers £4 billion a year

Five poorly-justified tax reliefs, used by just 70,000 individuals, are costing other taxpayers £4 billion a year, according to new HMRC tax reliefs statistics published today (Thursday), and should be in the sights of the Chancellor as he approaches his Budget on 15 March, the Resolution Foundation says. The latest HMRC data shows that 105 … Continued

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