Tenants ripped off by letting agents

Tenants are being let down by an unregulated lettings market, with significant upfront costs, variable fees and a lack of transparency around charges, according to a new report published today by independent think tank, the Resolution Foundation. In a mystery shopping exercise of letting agents in three cities, the range and type of fees charged … Continued

Working women key to rising living standards

The rise of working women has been a critical factor in raising the living standards of low to middle income households in the last 40 years, according to new research carried out by the respected Institute for Fiscal Studies for the Resolution Foundation. In the first major study breaking down the factors which drove household … Continued

Workers miss out on gain from growth across the OECD

Workers are gaining less of the proceeds from economic growth right across the OECD, according to a report published today from the independent think tank the Resolution Foundation. The report, Painful Separation, examines the relationship between economic growth and wages for workers on middle (median) wages over the last 30 years in 10 major OECD … Continued

Working families spared further childcare cuts

Resolution Foundation’s calls for a rethink on childcare deliver success as the Government announces childcare support under the new Universal credit will be kept at current levels, compensating low to middle income working parents for 70% of their childcare costs. This is good news for working parents who had previously been threatened with a further … Continued

Women and part-timers losing the earnings race

What sex you are, whether you work part time and where you live are all critical for your chances of social mobility, according to a major new study published today by the independent think tank the Resolution Foundation. The report, Snakes and Ladders, finds that women, those working part-time and those outside of London are … Continued

Inreasing penalty for not having a degree

 Those without a degree are losing the social mobility battle, accordingly to new analysis to be published soon by the independent think tank the Resolution Foundation. The new research shows that, compared to those with a degree, those without a degree are more likely to move down the earnings scale during their careers and were … Continued

Poor household finances risk choking off recovery

Britain’s households continue to feel the financial strain and are anxious about their jobs, according to new polling from independent think tank the Resolution Foundation. The research, carried out by respected polling firm Ipsos MORI, finds that: Fewer than half (48%) of people in low-to-middle income households have cash left over at the end of each month Fewer … Continued

Making a rented house a home: housing solutions for ‘generation rent’

Low-to-middle income households are likely to be shut out of home ownership for a lifetime, according to analysis published today by the independent think tank the Resolution Foundation. High average first-time buyer house prices and more restricted loan-to-value mortgage advances mean that the average low-to-middle income household putting aside 5 per cent of their disposable … Continued

Ordinary workers missing out on gains from growth

The share of national income going to the bottom half of earners in Britain has fallen dramatically over the last 30 years, according to new analysis by the independent think tank the Resolution Foundation.  These ordinary workers have seen their share of GDP fall by a quarter, at the same time as the share going … Continued

Growth without gain?

The living standards of people on low to middle incomes were already faltering prior to the recession, and it is no longer safe to assume they will rise when steady economic growth returns, according to new analysis by the independent think tank the Resolution Foundation. The major new report, Growth without gain?, reveals that even … Continued

Childcare support and the hours trap

The Government’s funding of childcare under Universal Credit could shatter its commitment to make work pay, accordingly to new analysis commissioned by Gingerbread and the Resolution Foundation think tank. The changes, to be implemented from 2013, may leave some parents facing losing over 94p in the pound as they increase their working hours, damaging work … Continued

Childcare tax credit survey

WORKING PARENTS UNDER THREAT FROM SPENDING CUTS NEW SURVEY SHOWS CUTS TO CHILDCARE TAX CREDITS MAY FORCE PARENTS TO GIVE UP WORK  A new survey of over 2,000 working mothers has revealed that over half will be forced to stop work or significantly reduce their working hours, as a result of cuts in the level … Continued

Social mobility rose in 2000s compared to 1990s

Earnings mobility increased in the 2000s compared to the 1990s, contrary to perceptions, according to new research published today by the independent think tank the Resolution Foundation. The research focuses on the earnings of people in their 30s and early 40s. While the chances of making a significant move up or down the earnings ladder … Continued

‘Lost decade’ for living standards

Average pay set to be no higher in 2015 than 2003   New analysis today reveals that Britain risks a lost decade for living standards, with average pay set to be no higher in 2015 than it was in 2003, after taking account of inflation.  The figures, released by the independent think tank the Resolution … Continued

Comprehensive Spending Review – analysis

FROM POVERTY TRAP TO ASPIRATION TRAP The impact of fiscal tightening on squeezed low-to-middle earners   The Resolution Foundation, the low-to-middle earner research and policy organisation, today provides its detailed analysis of what the full package of fiscal tightening measures introduced by the coalition government since June means for the 11 million struggling to get … Continued

Gavin Kelly appointed new Chief Executive of the Resolution Foundation

Gavin Kelly has been appointed Chief Executive of the Resolution Foundation, an independent research and policy organisation working to improve outcomes for low earners. Gavin joins the Foundation from Number 10 Downing Street where he worked as Deputy Chief of Staff from 2007 to 2010. Prior to this Gavin was a member of the Council … Continued

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