Labour market ‘Naming and shaming’ employers who defy the minimum wage is welcome but not enough 23 August 2013 Vidhya Alakeson, Deputy Chief Executive of the Resolution Foundation, said: “Ministers deserve credit for highlighting the scandalous treatment of low-paid workers who are deprived of their entitlement to the minimum wage. More ‘naming and shaming’ of employers who defy the minimum wage is welcome but this only takes a small bite out of a big … Continued READ MORE
Labour market London’s employment rate bounces back but large parts of UK still show yawning “jobs gap” 1 August 2013 Employment rates remain well below their pre-recession levels in many parts of the UK despite increasing economic confidence, new Resolution Foundation analysis has found. Figures from the independent think-tank show that only in London has the share of the adult population which is employed returned to close to the levels seen in early 2008 – … Continued READ MORE
Housing Poorer families excluded from at least a third of Britain by high rents, new report reveals 15 July 2013 One third of Britain is effectively off-limits to lower-income working families looking to rent a home privately because they can no longer afford a property in those parts of the country. An alarming new report from the Resolution Foundation, the first to give a comprehensive assessment of where less affluent families can reasonably afford to … Continued READ MORE
Housing Perilous debt levels could push households to the brink if interest rates rise faster than expected 1 July 2013 The number of families in Britain with perilous levels of debt repayments could more than double to 1.2 million if interest rates rise faster than expected in the next four years and household income growth is weak and uneven, according to new Resolution Foundation analysis. The figures suggest that the ongoing squeeze on households could … Continued READ MORE
Economy and public finances Tough spending decisions tee up more pain still to come 26 June 2013 Today’s Spending Round means a number of key non-protected Government departments will see brutal cuts to their total budgets of between roughly one-fifth and over a half between 2010 and 2015. Yet on current plans today’s reductions tee up even steeper falls still to come, according to analysis from the Resolution Foundation. We aren’t yet … Continued READ MORE
Labour market Zero hours contracts see workers earn 40 per cent less finds new report 25 June 2013 A new study shows that people employed on zero-hours contracts – which do not guarantee any hours of work – are paid less than those working set hours. The study shows that zero-hours workers earn on average £9 an hour (gross) compared to £15 an hour for those with more conventional contracts. Among graduates, the … Continued READ MORE
Labour market Resolution Foundation reaction to continued earnings squeeze 12 June 2013 The squeeze on earnings has entered its 40th straight month, independent think tank the Resolution Foundation said today. Data from the Office for National Statistics showed that Average Weekly Earnings (excluding bonuses) grew by 0.9 per cent between February and April compared to a year ago and now stand at £447 a week. The increase … Continued READ MORE
Welfare ‘Age-blind’ approach of Universal Credit risks missing opportunity of older workers 28 May 2013 Britain is missing a crucial opportunity to encourage more older people into work because the government’s new flagship welfare reform delivers only mixed benefits for the age group warns a new study from independent think tank the Resolution Foundation. While many older workers will be better off under Universal Credit (UC) – the system replacing … Continued READ MORE
Labour market UK jobs recovery drifts further away 28 May 2013 The prospects of a full recovery in employment are weakening as the pace of job creation slows, according to new analysis from independent think tank the Resolution Foundation. Even under the most optimistic assumptions it will now be more than four years before the UK restores the employment rate of 2008—with central projections suggesting a … Continued READ MORE
Housing A quarter of lower-income working families spend more than they can afford on housing 16 May 2013 At least 1.3 million families on lower incomes have to spend more than they can reasonably afford on housing the Resolution Foundation reveals today. The figure represents almost one in four of the 5.6 million low-to-middle income households of working age in Britain. At a time when a severe shortage in property supply is pushing … Continued READ MORE
Labour market Plummeting pay takes average wages back to the millennium 15 May 2013 Average wages are now back to a level last seen in November 2000, adjusting for inflation, according to new analysis by independent think tank the Resolution Foundation. The finding comes as official figures show earnings growth at a record low for the second month in succession. The bad news on wages, combined with another set … Continued READ MORE
Economy and public finances Britain divided over whether future growth will improve living standards 29 April 2013 The electorate is broadly split over whether, come the next general election, it will still be possible for the government of the day to ensure steadily rising living standards, according to a new polling report for the Resolution Foundation. The analysis, “2015- the living standards election?”, gives a unique insight into what voters think that … Continued READ MORE
Economy and public finances Nearly half of Britons expect a further drop in living standards by the next general election 24 April 2013 Almost half the British public expect to be worse off by the time of the next election in 2015 than they are now, reveals a major new polling project from the Resolution Foundation. In addition, much of the electorate is expecting the rest of this decade to be characterised by slow growth with more than one … Continued READ MORE
Labour market The jobs gap is widening while wages are falling 17 April 2013 Today’s jobs figures show growth in the number of people in employment has come to a halt – there has now been no increase in the number of people working since September-November 2012. However, the Resolution Foundation’s analysis reveals that the true picture is worse than this because the UK needs to create enough jobs … Continued READ MORE
Labour market National Minimum Wage – reaction and briefing notes from the Resolution Foundation 15 April 2013 Today’s announcement at a Resolution Foundation event by Business Secretary Vince Cable that the National Minimum Wage will increase by 1.9 per cent to £6.31 for an hour for adults means that the wage floor is set to fall in real terms for the fourth year in succession – to around its 2004 level. In … Continued READ MORE
Labour market The UK pay gap – how top earners surge ahead of the rest 14 April 2013 New analysis released by the Resolution Foundation today (Monday 15 April) reveals how many hours ordinary workers would have to put in to earn the same as the highest-paid people in the country – and how far minimum wage workers lag behind. It shows that the pay of the top one per cent of full-time … Continued READ MORE
Welfare New childcare support is welcome but it’s skewed towards the affluent and misses out the poorest working families 24 March 2013 Overall there are 2.6 million working families who will be eligible for new childcare support announced in the Budget. This extra money (just under £1bn) will bring real help to those families who take it up and is very welcome. However, Resolution Foundation analysis published today shows for the first time how little this extra … Continued READ MORE
Economy and public finances Budget analysis and reaction from the Resolution Foundation 20 March 2013 On personal tax allowances – Small gains for the great majority of tax payers excluding the very highest and lowest earners. However three-quarters of the £1 billion goes to households in the top half. On fuel duty – The freeze on fuel duty will disproportionately benefit lower and modest income families. On childcare – Welcome … Continued READ MORE
Living standards ‘Government doesn’t understand the financial pressures we face’ say large majority of families 13 March 2013 Almost 7 in 10 Britons think the government does not understand the financial strain they are under, suggests a poll conducted for the Resolution Foundation. Asked to respond to the statement that “The government understands the financial pressures on me and my family”, an overall 69 per cent of those surveyed disagree (with 48 per … Continued READ MORE
Living standards Squeezed Britain faces a decade of slow recovery in living standards 13 February 2013 It may be another decade before Britain’s low to middle income families can expect to see their living standards return to pre-recession levels a major report, Squeezed Britain 2013, by the Resolution Foundation warns today. The prolonged downturn means that this large swathe of the population is likely to face a permanent hit to their … Continued READ MORE
Economy and public finances Resolution Foundation response to OECD economic survey of the UK 6 February 2013 The Resolution Foundation welcomed the OECD’s advice today (Wed 6th Feb) that the government should act to ensure that work always pays for second earners. The report echoes the Resolution Foundation’s Commission on Living Standards, suggesting that government could take steps to give equal treatment to second-earners under Universal Credit and increase support for childcare. … Continued READ MORE
Welfare Council Tax bills will rocket for poorest households from April 31 January 2013 Low-income families will see their council tax bills rise by up to £600 a year from April, a study by the Resolution Foundation reveals today. As a result of council tax benefit reform, the report shows that three-quarters of local authorities are set to demand increased payments from the 3.2 million poorest working-age households who … Continued READ MORE
Labour market Up to 4 million low-paid workers could be helped by ‘Living Wage Cities’ 20 January 2013 Govt should fund training for small and medium firms The government should help small and medium firms to pay their workers a living wage by committing public savings to cities which take the lead in tackling low pay, according to a major new study published today. The report, from the Resolution Foundation and IPPR think … Continued READ MORE
Welfare Four crucial questions raised by Government’s childcare reforms 7 January 2013 The government’s focus on childcare is welcome but the Resolution Foundation has serious concerns that the introduction of tax relief for childcare, as has been reported, will benefit those on higher incomes more than those for whom childcare costs present the greatest barriers to employment. Experience with employer supported childcare vouchers, which already offer tax … Continued READ MORE
Labour market Paying a Living Wage could save the UK billions 28 December 2012 Introducing the living wage across the UK would save the Treasury just over £2 billion a year, a new study will reveal. The analysis from the Resolution Foundation and the IPPR think tanks to be published early in the New Year is the most detailed examination yet of the potential impact of the living wage … Continued READ MORE