UK jobs recovery drifts further away

The prospects of a full recovery in employment are weakening as the pace of job creation slows, according to new analysis from independent think tank the Resolution Foundation. Even under the most optimistic assumptions it will now be more than four years before the UK restores the employment rate of 2008—with central projections suggesting a … Continued

The jobs gap is widening while wages are falling

Today’s jobs figures show growth in the number of people in employment has come to a halt – there has now been no increase in the number of people working since September-November 2012. However, the Resolution Foundation’s analysis reveals that the true picture is worse than this because the UK needs to create enough jobs … Continued

Resolution Foundation response to OECD economic survey of the UK

The Resolution Foundation welcomed the OECD’s advice today (Wed 6th Feb) that the government should act to ensure that work always pays for second earners. The report echoes the Resolution Foundation’s Commission on Living Standards, suggesting that government could take steps to give equal treatment to second-earners under Universal Credit and increase support for childcare. … Continued

Council Tax bills will rocket for poorest households from April

Low-income families will see their council tax bills rise by up to £600 a year from April, a study by the Resolution Foundation reveals today. As a result of council tax benefit reform, the report shows that three-quarters of local authorities are set to demand increased payments from the 3.2 million poorest working-age households who … Continued

Four crucial questions raised by Government’s childcare reforms

The government’s focus on childcare is welcome but the Resolution Foundation has serious concerns that the introduction of tax relief for childcare, as has been reported, will benefit those on higher incomes more than those for whom childcare costs present the greatest barriers to employment. Experience with employer supported childcare vouchers, which already offer tax … Continued

Paying a Living Wage could save the UK billions

Introducing the living wage across the UK would save the Treasury just over £2 billion a year, a new study will reveal. The analysis from the Resolution Foundation and the IPPR think tanks to be published early in the New Year is the most detailed examination yet of the potential impact of the living wage … Continued

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