Tax and benefit systems must do more to make work pay

The current system of redistribution through taxation and welfare is inefficient and could be reformed to give more support to those on low and middle incomes according to a new report for the Resolution Foundation. The report, written by Paul Johnson, Director of the Institute for Fiscal Studies, and drawing heavily on the Mirrlees Review … Continued

No evidence that tax credits surpress wages, says think tank

There is no evidence that tax credits hold down low wages, according to new research published today by independent think tank the Resolution Foundation. The analysis discredits the assumption that tax credits, available to low and middle income families, enable employers to pay lower wages. Tax credits reach around six million families, providing substantial support … Continued

Stagnant economy will mean record numbers renting their homes

Just one in four households will own with a mortgage by 2025 if the economy continues to stagnate, pushing record numbers into the private rented sector, new research says today.   A new report commissioned by the Resolution Foundation and Shelter from Cambridge University looks at how the housing market will change if current economic … Continued

Lowest income households borrowed to spend in run up to crisis

Low to middle income households were reliant on borrowing to fund much of their spending for more than a decade before the financial crisis, according to a new report for the independent think tank the Resolution Foundation.  The report reveals the full extent of the increase in borrowing and deterioration in household savings rates in the … Continued

Big business can afford to pay living wage

Paying a living wage is affordable for big companies in UK banking, construction, computing and food production sectors, according to a new report jointly published by the think tanks Resolution Foundation and IPPR. The new analysis shows that the average increase in the wage bill for listed companies in these sectors would be about 1 … Continued

One in five people struggling to keep heads above water

Almost one in five people (18%) are finding it increasingly hard to afford essentials such as food and energy bills, according to new polling from independent think tank, Resolution Foundation. With the recovery remaining highly fragile and new cuts to tax credits starting to bite, the number of those expecting their financial situation to get worse … Continued

Minimum wage now lower than eight years ago

The national minimum wage has reduced wage inequality but without damaging employment, according to a new report for the independent think tank the Resolution Foundation.  The news comes in light of this year’s just announced 11p increase from £6.08 an hour to £6.19, with the rate frozen for young people. This is the third successive … Continued

Black Friday as Chancellor wields cuts to tax credits

Thousands of low income working families will lose up to a quarter of their household income from this Friday, the start of the new tax year, as major cuts to tax credits start to bite. In particular, low to middle income couples working less than 24 hours will no longer be eligible for working tax … Continued

We’re all managers now

Job title inflation has been a growing phenomenon in recent years, with an increasing proportion of people with senior sounding job titles still earning middle-ranking wages, according to new research published today for the independent think tank the Resolution Foundation. The research finds that the proportion of managers in the retail sector earning below £400 … Continued

The high price of motherhood

British women are paying a shockingly high price for motherhood as they are forced into lower-skilled, part-time work after having children, according to the findings of a new survey by Netmums and independent think tank, Resolution Foundation. The poll of over 1,600 part-time working mothers revealed almost half (48%) of mothers on low to middle … Continued

Political battle for the squeezed middle escalates

The squeezed middle remain the key political battleground, facing a new tax credits squeeze on top of a continued fall in real wages, a growing chance of a lifetime renting, increasingly precarious household finances and incomes unlikely to rise beyond their pre-recession (2007) levels even by 2020, according to a new report from independent think … Continued

Tenants ripped off by letting agents

Tenants are being let down by an unregulated lettings market, with significant upfront costs, variable fees and a lack of transparency around charges, according to a new report published today by independent think tank, the Resolution Foundation. In a mystery shopping exercise of letting agents in three cities, the range and type of fees charged … Continued

Working women key to rising living standards

The rise of working women has been a critical factor in raising the living standards of low to middle income households in the last 40 years, according to new research carried out by the respected Institute for Fiscal Studies for the Resolution Foundation. In the first major study breaking down the factors which drove household … Continued

Workers miss out on gain from growth across the OECD

Workers are gaining less of the proceeds from economic growth right across the OECD, according to a report published today from the independent think tank the Resolution Foundation. The report, Painful Separation, examines the relationship between economic growth and wages for workers on middle (median) wages over the last 30 years in 10 major OECD … Continued

Working families spared further childcare cuts

Resolution Foundation’s calls for a rethink on childcare deliver success as the Government announces childcare support under the new Universal credit will be kept at current levels, compensating low to middle income working parents for 70% of their childcare costs. This is good news for working parents who had previously been threatened with a further … Continued

Women and part-timers losing the earnings race

What sex you are, whether you work part time and where you live are all critical for your chances of social mobility, according to a major new study published today by the independent think tank the Resolution Foundation. The report, Snakes and Ladders, finds that women, those working part-time and those outside of London are … Continued

Inreasing penalty for not having a degree

 Those without a degree are losing the social mobility battle, accordingly to new analysis to be published soon by the independent think tank the Resolution Foundation. The new research shows that, compared to those with a degree, those without a degree are more likely to move down the earnings scale during their careers and were … Continued

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