UK ‘jobs gap’ could close tomorrow

Strong overall job performance with London and the North East surging ahead Official figures published tomorrow could show that the six year old UK ‘jobs gap’ – the difference between the pre-recession employment rate (73.02 per cent) and the current rate (72.97 per cent) – could finally close, according to a new analysis published today … Continued

A record 1.2 million workers to benefit from first real-terms minimum wage rise for six years today

A record 1.2 million workers to benefit from first real-terms minimum wage rise for six years today Record numbers ‘stuck’ on minimum wage The number of employees earning the national minimum wage has reached its highest level since its introduction 15 years ago, according to a new report published by independent think-tank the Resolution Foundation to mark the latest rise in the minimum wage today (Wednesday). Turning Point? – the minimum … Continued

Close to 1.6 million UK households are ‘housing-pinched’ – spending more than half their disposable income on monthly rent or mortgage payments

Close to 1.6 million UK households – the housing pinched – are spending more than half their disposable income on the ongoing costs of housing each month, according to new analysis from the independent think tank the Resolution Foundation published today. Of the 1.6 million housing pinched, retired households and working age households in which … Continued

Earnings have fallen at least 20 per cent further than official figures suggest, finds new research

Official figures may underestimate by more than 20 per cent how far earnings have fallen since the economic downturn but are also likely to understate their recovery in years to come because they exclude the UK’s growing self-employed workforce. The new research by the Resolution Foundation, an independent think-tank, calls for a fresh approach to … Continued

Employment soars, wages fall (again)

Very strong employment growth has not prevented a fall in average wages, official figures from the Office for National Statistics show today. In the three months to April, total average weekly earnings (including bonuses) rose by 0.7 per cent compared to the same period a year ago. Regular average weekly earnings (excluding bonuses) rose by … Continued

One in 10 mortgagors at risk of being trapped in ‘unaffordable’ borrowing finds new study

One in ten of today’s mortgagors risk being imprisoned by borrowing deals which are likely to make their repayments unaffordable as interest rates rise over the next four years according to new research from independent think tank the Resolution Foundation. The study suggests that around 770,000 households fall into both of two potentially problematic categories … Continued

450,000 newly self-employed would rather be employees

Reluctant recruits make up a quarter of those becoming self-employed since the recession but clear majority still prefer being their own boss  A quarter of those who started out as self-employed in the last five years would prefer to be employees, suggests new research from independent think tank the Resolution Foundation, conducted by Ipsos MORI. … Continued

Slow growth in wages and a recovery based on running down savings is cause for concern

Latest projections suggest that wages of the typical worker will broadly flat-line over the next four years despite official projections of stronger economic growth released alongside the Budget. Today’s OBR projections have average pay recovering to its pre-crisis level by 2018. (This projection is based on the mean and uses the CPI measure of inflation). … Continued

Wait for wage growth goes on (and on…)

New figures from the Office for National Statistics show another fall in real wages despite increasingly positive news in the wider economy. The new data reveals that Average Weekly Earnings (excluding bonuses) in Britain were £450 a week in December 2013 and grew by just 1.0 per cent in the year (comparing October to December … Continued

Household incomes will start rising in 2015 – but painfully slow recovery means many years before losses are restored

Household incomes are set to start rising again in 2015 after six years of decline according to a new report from the Resolution Foundation. The findings come in a detailed and authoritative assessment of the state of living standards in Britain. The report from the independent think tank also finds that growth in disposable income … Continued

Up to 2 million UK families face perilous debts by 2018

Britain faces the mounting prospect of a household debt crisis as analysis from independent think tank the Resolution Foundation suggests that a least a million British families, and possibly as many as 2 million, could be spending more than half their disposable income on repayments by 2018 The study uses the latest five-year growth projections … Continued

£600 million raid on Universal Credit will leave millions of working families worse off

A £600m reduction in support will leave millions of working families worse off by 2017 by reducing the amount they can earn before their Universal Credit payment is withdrawn, according to new analysis from independent think tank the Resolution Foundation. The Office for Budget Responsibility estimates that changes to Universal Credit, announced in the Autumn … Continued

Weak wage growth poses questions over stability of recovery

The first full year when average wages are expected to recover to pre-recession levels was pushed back from 2017 to 2018 today by the government’s official economic forecasts, despite strong and very welcome growth in employment. As a result, the Resolution Foundation calculates that the median wage – the pay of a typical worker – … Continued

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