Britain is on track for a million agency workers by 2020

The forgotten face of non-traditional employment hit by average pay penalty of £430 The number of agency workers has grown by 30 per cent since 2011, and now stands at 865,000, a new report by the independent think-tank Resolution Foundation reveals today (Monday) as it launches a major 18-month investigation into agency work. The report … Continued

Tackling living standards divide across Greater Manchester must be top priority for new Metro Mayor

    Greater Manchester’s impressive leadership on the national devolution agenda should now be used to tackle the stark living standards inequalities between local areas across the city region, according to a new report published today (Tuesday) by the independent think-tank the Resolution Foundation. The Foundation’s report looks at the city region’s successes and failures … Continued

£59bn impact of Brexit and Chancellor’s decision to increase investment spending drive £122bn extra borrowing  

Philip Hammond chooses not to support just about managing families who face a double whammy of lower earnings and benefit cuts Slower growth and higher inflation will mean higher borrowing and a parliament of falling living standards for millions – with the Chancellor missing an opportunity to provide much-needed support for just managing families – … Continued

Employment rate plateaus at record high but earnings continue to struggle

  UK unemployment rate falls below US as more people stop actively looking for work The UK labour market has plateaued, though there are a few tentative signs of weakening jobs growth, the Resolution Foundation said today (Wednesday) in response to the latest ONS labour market statistics. The employment rate has matched its record high … Continued

Unaffordable, unfair and unwise tax cuts have prevented the government from balancing the books

Unaffordable, unfair and unwise tax cuts have prevented the government from balancing the books Chancellor should use Autumn Statement to rethink tax strategy, halting cuts to corporation tax and increases in income tax thresholds Tax giveaways worth £32bn this year have prevented the government from meeting its fiscal targets, according to new analysis published today … Continued

Resolution Foundation ASHE analysis

Real pay growth strongest in over 5 years, due to pick-up in nominal pay and low inflation in 2016   But still a long way to go, and prospects for lower pay growth / higher inflation mean this year’s growth unlikely to be repeated soon     Hourly pay in 2016 was still 88p (6.8 … Continued

Chancellor faces an £84bn borrowing black hole in his Autumn Statement

The Chancellor is facing a sharp deterioration in the public finances in his Autumn Statement, but a fiscal ‘reset’ would allow him to boost investment spending and increase support for ‘just managing families’, according to a new report published today (Wednesday) by the Resolution Foundation. The report, Pressing the reset button, comes with the Autumn … Continued

UK maintains record employment but threat of fresh pay squeeze grows stronger

The initial post-referendum labour market figures show very little change from the period running up to it, with employment picture remaining strong but pay growth continuing to disappoint, the Resolution Foundation said today (Wednesday) in response to the latest labour market statistics. The figures showed that the employment rate remained at a record high, while … Continued

Typical earnings of the self-employed lower than 20 years ago

  The dramatic shift in self-employment over the last two decades – including the decline in full-time work and the falling share of self-employed business owners who have staff of their own – has been a critical factor in a 20-year stagnation in typical earnings, according to a new report published today (Tuesday) by the … Continued

The Intergenerational Commission’s first call for evidence is open

Questions of fairness between the generations are currently high on the agenda, and for good reason. Today’s younger generations are finding it more difficult to get on the housing ladder, experience slower pay progression and much lower levels of pension saving in their jobs, and can expect less from the welfare state when they fall … Continued

Theresa May’s record will be judged as much on the Britain she builds as the Brexit she delivers

  Responding to the Prime Ministers’ speech to the Conservative Party Conference today (Wednesday), Torsten Bell, Director of the Resolution Foundation, said: “Theresa May’s speech focused squarely on the right question, how to help Britain’s just managing families who have lost out in recent decades. For those families change has indeed got to come. “But … Continued

Amid all the Brexit uncertainty, a clearer picture is emerging


Among the many things that feel different in the post-referendum world, there is an unusual air of anticipation surrounding what would previously have been considered relatively underwhelming statistical releases. Today we were treated to a quartet of such publications. On the face of it they appear to point in different directions, allowing commentators on both … Continued

Latest economic assessments highlight divide between nervous businesses and resilient consumers

  How these sentiments converge will prove key to UK’s medium-term economic prospects, says RF Commenting on the latest economic assessments published today (Wednesday) by the ONS, Bank of England and OECD, Matt Whittaker, Chief Economist at the Resolution Foundation, said: “The range of expert economic assessments published today – while appearing to point in … Continued

No sign yet of the Brexit vote shaking UK’s impressive jobs performance

  Further slowing of wage recovery highlights need to tackle major problems on pay The UK’s record employment performance has continued through the summer, with no sign yet of any ‘Brexit effect’, the Resolution Foundation said today (Wednesday) in response to the latest ONS labour market figures. The Foundation notes that any ‘Brexit effect’ was … Continued

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