Employment reached record high on eve of referendum result

    Britain facing a major pay challenge in wake of post-referendum economic uncertainty Britain hit record employment on the eve of the referendum result, but its recent poor performance on pay is a major concern with earnings growth expected to slow, the Resolution Foundation said today (Wednesday) responding to the latest ONS labour market … Continued

Government right to step up naming and shaming of minimum wage dodgers

  Further enforcement resources will be needed as number of workers on wage floor is set to treble Commenting on the government’s publication today (Thursday) of 200 employers who have been fined for not paying the National Minimum Wage, Conor D’Arcy, Policy Analyst at the Resolution Foundation, said: “There is no excuse for any employer … Continued

Concerns of Bank’s business contacts underline challenge Brexit poses for Britain’s powerhouse services sector

  Commenting on the findings published today (Wednesday) in the Bank of England’s Agents’ Summary of Business Conditions report, Matt Whittaker, Chief Economist at the Resolution Foundation, said: “Concerns raised by firms in today’s report underlines the big challenge Brexit poses for the services sector, which is being hit by a loss of confidence without … Continued

Bank right to bring out monetary sledgehammer but still forecasts a £600 earnings hit ‎in 2018

  Government, rather than Bank of England, policy holds the key to reducing lasting Brexit hit  The Bank’s ‘monetary sledgehammer’ should help to restore business and consumer confidence in the wake of the referendum vote but government decisions on trade and industrial policy are key to determining the lasting effect of Brexit on economic growth … Continued

Home ownership struggle hits Coronation Street

  Plummeting home ownership across Manchester and other major northern cities shows housing no longer just a London problem English home ownership has fallen to levels last seen in 1986, with Greater Manchester, South and West Yorkshire and the West Midlands Metropolitan area experiencing double digit falls since their early 2000s peak, according to new … Continued

Post-referendum rise in business uncertainty casts shadow over strong jobs boost in run up to vote

  The UK enjoyed a welcome pre-referendum vote jobs boost, though reports of rising business uncertainty post-vote will be a major challenge over the next year, the Resolution Foundation said today (Wednesday) in response to the latest labour market statistics and the Bank of England Agents’ summary of business conditions. The UK employment rate reached … Continued

Millennials facing ‘generational pay penalty’ as their earnings fall £8,000 behind during their 20s

Fresh evidence of the growing intergenerational inequality that new Prime Minister has warned of Britain’s longstanding promise of ‘generational pay progress’ could turn into a ‘pay penalty’ for millennials, who are at risk of being the first generation to earn less than their predecessors over the course of their working lives, the Resolution Foundation says … Continued

Millennials have paid £44,000 more rent than the baby boomers by the time they hit 30

Delivering the Prime Minister’s pledge to deal with ‘housing deficit’ is central to boosting younger generations’ living standards The combination of falling home ownership and rising costs in the private rented sector mean that today’s millennial generation will have spent £44,000 more on rent by the time they reach 30 compared to the baby boomers, … Continued

Brexit defeat for millennials risks being compounded by huge tax and benefit transfer from young to old

RF says repairing generational divide a crucial task for new PM as it announces new Intergenerational Commission The next Prime Minister must repair the stark intergenerational divide exposed by the EU referendum result, but the task will be made harder by tax and benefit plans they will inherit that are set to redistribute billions from … Continued

Chancellor right to abandon Budget surplus target in the face of any post-Brexit deterioration in the economy

Responding to the Chancellor’s announcement today that he has abandoned his Budget surplus target for 2020, Matt Whittaker, Chief Economist at the Resolution Foundation, said: “It’s welcome – though not surprising – that the Chancellor has explicitly acknowledged that it would be wrong to pursue a surplus in the face of any post-Brexit deterioration in … Continued

Welcome income growth ahead of Brexit uncertainty – but child poverty rises for the first time since 2006

Typical incomes have finally returned to pre-crisis levels, but the number of children living in poverty has risen for the first time in a decade, the Resolution Foundation said today (Tuesday) in response to the latest Households Below Average Income figures (HBAI). The Foundation notes that typical household incomes reached £473 a week in 2014-15 – … Continued

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