Graduates have led the initial post-referendum dip in EU migrant workers

The number of EU-born workers in the UK fell by 50,000 in the last three months of 2016 to around 2,300,000 – with the biggest falls taking place among graduates and those working in banking, the public sector and construction – according to new analysis published today (Thursday) by the Resolution Foundation. The Foundation’s analysis … Continued

Pay packets already shrinking as record run of low inflation ends

Real earnings falls have arrived earlier than expected as inflation has risen above the Bank of England’s target for the first time since December 2013, the Resolution Foundation said today (Tuesday) in response to the latest inflation figures. Inflation had been below the Bank’s 2 per cent target for a record 38 months, driving recent … Continued

Government has missed the opportunity to ensure tax system keeps pace with a changing world of work

Commenting on the news that the Chancellor has dropped plans to increase Class 4 National Insurance contributions for the self-employed in this parliament, Torsten Bell, Director of the Resolution Foundation, said: “Whatever the rights and wrongs of Conservative Manifesto commitments, today’s U-turn on National Insurance means the government has missed an opportunity to correct a … Continued

Rapid rise of zero-hours contracts has slowed to a crawl

Zero-hours contracts (ZHCs) have hit a record high of 905,000, but a significant slowdown in their recent growth has been confirmed, the Resolution Foundation said today (Wednesday) in response to the latest ONS figures. The latest figures show that the number of people on a ZHC grew by more than 100,000 between the last three … Continued

Chancellor right to begin tackling tax advantages for better-off self-employed workers

National Insurance reforms benefit low-paid hairdressers but self-employed management consultants face bigger bills The Chancellor is right to begin tackling the unfair and expensive tax advantages enjoyed by self-employed workers by increasing the rate of National Insurance contributions (NICs) they make, the Resolution Foundation said in response to the Budget announcement today. This change should … Continued

Borrowing to fall by £29bn over the parliament as Budget set for first fiscal improvement in three years

Healthier-than-expected tax receipts, the absence of any immediate post-referendum slowdown in growth and measurement changes are set to lower Budget borrowing forecasts by £29bn between 2016-17 and 2020-21, according to the Resolution Foundation’s pre-Budget outlook published today (Tuesday). Economy Drive, which brings together economic data published since last November’s Autumn Statement to assess the kind … Continued

Self-employment rise led by tax advantages for workers in high-paying ‘privileged’ sectors rather than the gig economy

  The recent rise in self-employment is being led by workers in relatively ‘privileged’ high-skilled, higher-paying sectors such as advertising and banking. Their considerable tax advantages over employees, rather than new technology and the gig economy, are central to the rapid growth in self-employment, according to new analysis published today (Monday) by the Resolution Foundation. … Continued

Rising prices is the big living standards story of 2017

  The doubling of inflation in just four months shows that rising prices will be the big living standards story of 2017, the Resolution Foundation said today in response to the latest inflation figures. CPI inflation increased from 0.9% in October 2016 to 1.8% in January 2017 – its highest level since June 2014. CPIH, … Continued

Recent retirees drive pensioner incomes above those of working families

Strong recent growth in typical pensioner incomes has been driven by new cohorts of pensioners who are more likely than their predecessors to still be in work, own a home and have access to generous private pension pots. This is according to new analysis published today (Monday) by the Resolution Foundation for the Intergenerational Commission. … Continued

Millennial men earned £12,500 less than the generation before them by the time they hit 30

  Millennial men are falling behind the generation before them in their early careers, reflecting a shift towards young men doing low paid work traditionally carried out by women, Resolution Foundation Director Torsten Bell will say in the annual Grigor McClelland lecture to Manchester Business School later today (Thursday). The lecture, on 21st century inequality, … Continued

Britain on course for biggest increase in inequality since Thatcher

Squeeze on poorer households, rather than 80s-style boom for the rich, driving 21st Century inequality Britain is on course for a major living standards slowdown, with typical households seeing almost no income growth over the remainder of this Parliament, according to the Resolution Foundation’s annual audit of living standards published today (Wednesday). A particularly tight … Continued

UK’s mini living standards boom ends as inflation starts to bite

  The UK’s mini living standards boom of recent years has ended with income growth for typical working age households more than halving to just 0.5 per cent this year, the Resolution Foundation’s annual living standards audit will warn later this week. The audit – a detailed analysis of the state of living standards across … Continued

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