It’s good to focus on overtime, not just Uber


  When a government publishes a Big Review – and at 115 pages the Taylor Review certainly fits that bill – the temptation is to rush into the weeds of its very many recommendations. But before we do that it’s worth stepping back and considering how remarkable it is that we’re even here in the … Continued

Britain should prepare now for the end of unlimited cheap labour

Britain should prepare now for the end of unlimited cheap labour The UK labour market is at a tipping point, with the coming together of falling migration and the rising cost of low-paid labour set to fundamentally reshape the world of work over the coming years, according to a new book published today (Friday) by … Continued

Pay squeeze tightens sharply despite low unemployment

Real earnings growth falls to lowest level outside of the great pay squeeze in nearly 40 years Real pay growth dropped to its lowest level outside the great pay squeeze that followed the financial crisis in nearly 40 years, despite unemployment remaining at its lowest level since 1975, the Resolution Foundation said today in response … Continued

Rising inflation means Britain is set for a longer, deeper pay squeeze

The latest rise in inflation will deepen Britain’s pay squeeze, while further falls in sterling could add further inflationary pressures in the coming months, the Resolution Foundation said today (Tuesday) in response to the latest inflation figures. CPIH increased from 2.6% to 2.7% in May, while CPI increased from 2.7% to 2.9%. The Foundation notes … Continued

Main parties’ tax and benefit plans to hit younger generations hardest

The tax and benefit policies of the two main parties risk further straining the contract between generations by hitting younger working age families more than older generations, new analysis of the parties’ manifestos by the Resolution Foundation published today (Thursday) has found. Fairness between generations has emerged as a strong theme across both manifestos. The … Continued

Gap between rich and poor areas is rising post crisis, even while gap between rich and poor households has fallen

The gap between rich and poor areas is rising, despite the gap between rich and poor households having fallen since the financial crisis. This is according to Resolution Foundation analysis of ONS Regional Gross Household Disposable Income (GHDI) figures published this morning. The Resolution Foundation analysis shows that the ratio between the richest and poorest … Continued

Pay squeeze returns amidst renewed jobs boom  

  Britain kicked off 2017 with a renewed jobs boom and a painful pay squeeze, the Resolution Foundation said today in response to the latest labour market figures. Employment reached an all-time high of 74.8 per cent in the three months to March, while unemployment fell to the lowest level since 1975. In contrast, real … Continued

Sharp inflation rise deepens Britain’s pay squeeze

  Britain’s pay squeeze is on course to deepen in April as a result of a sharp increase in inflation, the Resolution Foundation said in response to the latest inflation figures today. The Resolution Foundation’s latest pay projection following today’s inflation figures indicates that real pay looks to have fallen by between -0.3% and -0.6% … Continued

Tax rises have made an election comeback

  Tax rises have made a comeback in the 2017 General Election, marking a big change from recent elections where tax cuts have been front and centre of parties’ manifestos, according to a new briefing note published today (Tuesday) by the Resolution Foundation. The report notes that both Labour and the Lib Dems have committed … Continued

Bank of England confirms the return of the earnings squeeze

Britain is on course for a renewed earnings squeeze, following a sizeable revision of the Bank’s near-term forecasts for pay, productivity and household income growth, the Resolution Foundation said today (Thursday) in response to the latest Inflation Report. The Bank is predicting a 0.8 per cent drop in average pay over the course of 2017, … Continued

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