Emigration by EU citizens at an all-time high

Net migration grew to 282,000 in 2017 – well below the peak recorded between mid-2014 and mid-2016 – but broadly in line with levels before the financial crisis, the Resolution Foundation said today (Monday) in response to the latest ONS migration figures. The Foundation notes that EU emigration has risen from around 80,000 on the … Continued

Pimlico Plumbers judgement could have significant implications for British firms arguing most of their workforce are self-employed contractors

Commenting on the Supreme Court judgment today (Wednesday) on the case of Pimlico Plumbers Ltd and another v Smith, Torsten Bell, Director of the Resolution Foundation, said: “The Supreme Court judgment today could have significant implications for many workers that firms see as self-employed contractors and miss out on employment rights like the minimum wage, … Continued

Female unemployment falls to record low but no sign of a pay rebound

Female unemployment has fallen to a record low of 4.1 per cent but pay growth across the economy continues to disappoint, the Resolution Foundation said today (Tuesday) in response to the latest ONS labour market statistics. Overall unemployment remained at 4.2 per cent, while employment remained at a record high of 75.6 per cent. Female … Continued

Commission calls for a £2.3bn NHS levy and a £10,000 Citizen’s Inheritance to build a new generational contract for young and old

  A new generational contract is needed to tackle the big challenges Britain faces for young and old, covering a better funded NHS and care system, a radically reformed housing market, and a new citizen’s inheritance to boost the prospects of younger generations. This is according to the final report of the Intergenerational Commission published … Continued

Scrap Inheritance Tax and replace it with one that is fairer to families and harder to avoid

Inheritance Tax should be abolished and replaced with a new system that commands greater public support by being fairer to families and harder to avoid, according to a new report published today (Wednesday) by the Resolution Foundation for the Intergenerational Commission. Passing on, the 21st report of the Intergenerational Commission and last before it publishes its … Continued

Falling unemployment has curbed the growth of zero hours contracts

Britain’s tight labour market – which has seen unemployment fall to a 43-year low – has curbed the growth of zero hours contracts (ZHCs), the Resolution Foundation said today (Monday) in response to the latest ONS business survey of ZHCs use. The ONS survey, carried out in November 2017, showed that 1.8 million firms used … Continued

Britain’s 12-month pay squeeze ends as jobs market breaks new records

Britain has passed a living standards landmark with real pay finally growing again after a 12-month squeeze. And there are was more good news in the jobs market as unemployment fell and employment hit a record high, the Resolution Foundation said today (Tuesday) in response to the latest ONS labour market figures. Real (CPIH-adjusted) average … Continued

Up to a third of millennials face renting from cradle to grave

  Policy makers need to radically reform the private rental sector to make it fit for raising children and retirement because a generation of young people face the prospect of never owning their own home, according to a new report published today (Tuesday) by the Resolution Foundation for its Intergenerational Commission. Home Improvements sets out … Continued

Sharp fall in basic level apprenticeships for workers aged 25+ shows that government reforms are weeding out poor quality provision

  The sharp drop in level 2 apprenticeship starts for workers aged 25+ show that the government reforms are weeding out poorer quality provision, though the fall in starts for young people is a concern, the Resolution Foundation said today (Thursday) in response to the latest figures for apprenticeship starts. The DfE figures show that … Continued

Middle-income households saw solid living standards gains in 2016-17 – but that growth is slowing

  Commenting on the latest Households Below Average Income (HBAI) survey for 2016-17, published  today (Thursday) by the Department for Work and Pensions, Adam Corlett, Senior Economic Analyst at the Resolution Foundation, said: “Today’s household income survey – the most comprehensive we have – shows that typical households saw solid income growth of 2 per … Continued

Chancellor faces tougher choices and tax rises if Britain is to ‘reach the end of the tunnel’ on austerity

  The Chancellor will need to hope for better forecasts or raise taxes if he’s to stick to his goal of eliminating the deficit and driving significant reductions in debt, while ending the UK’s unprecedented squeeze on public spending. This is according to the Resolution Foundation’s overnight analysis of the Spring Statement 2018 published today … Continued

‘Sugar Rush Spring Statement’ sees good news fade quickly as outlook for growth and living standards remains bleak

The Chancellor has set out a ‘Sugar Rush Spring Statement’ – with welcome short-term news on borrowing and growth but the long term challenges of weak growth and pay remain – the Resolution Foundation said today. The Office for Budget Responsibility today delivered a slightly sunnier short-term forecast for the Chancellor, with borrowing for 2017-18 … Continued

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