Chancellor’s £28bn spending boost has eased but not ended austerity

Welcome boost to Work Allowances in Universal Credit worth £630 to low-income families

The Chancellor has used a cumulative £68bn borrowing windfall to significantly ease – but not end – austerity for the UK’s public services and deliver a welcome boost to low-income families on Universal Credit. Tough times still lie ahead however, the Resolution Foundation says in its analysis of the Budget today. The Foundation says that … Continued

A return to pay growth, but weekly wages fall for those at the bottom

In response to today’s ASHE data release from the ONS that showed real pay recovering in 2018, Stephen Clarke, Senior Economic Analyst at the Resolution Foundation said: “Following the squeeze of 2017, real pay growth returned in 2018. After inflation, typical weekly wages for all employees grew by 0.3 percent in the year to April. … Continued

‘Ending austerity’ will cost the Chancellor over £30bn

Lower borrowing windfall could make Chancellor’s ‘mission impossible’ next Monday ‘just about plausible’ ‘Ending austerity’ will require £31bn of additional spending by 2022-23. However, a record borrowing forecast upgrade from the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) will significantly ease –  though not solve – the Chancellor’s challenge next Monday, according to the Resolution Foundation’s pre-Budget … Continued

Falling inflation is good news for pay but confirms £200 hit for low-income families with kids

Inflation falling to 2.4 per cent in September brings mixed news for working families – stronger growth in their pay packets but a confirmation that the fourth year of the benefit freeze will bring significant living standards reductions for lower-income families, the Resolution Foundation said today (Wednesday) in response to the latest ONS inflation figures. The … Continued

Pay packets growing at their fastest rate since the financial crisis

Nominal pay growth grew by 3.1 per cent in three months to August this year, the strongest pay growth since January 2009, the Resolution Foundation said today (Tuesday) in response to the latest labour market statistics. The Foundation says that Britain’s tightening labour market – with unemployment at a 43-year low of 4 per cent … Continued

Volatile pay is the norm not the exception – even for workers in steady jobs

Three in four workers experience fluctuating pay packets, with low paid workers most exposed to big downward changes in their monthly take-home pay, according to groundbreaking new research published today (Monday) by the Resolution Foundation. Irregular payments examines anonymised month to month data from seven million Lloyds Banking Group bank accounts to reveal for the … Continued

Weak pay growth could leave Britain waiting until the end of the century for real wages to double – and our disastrous productivity record is to blame

If the slow pace of Britain’s post-crisis pay growth were to continue indefinitely it will take until 2099 for real wages today to double in value – compared to the pre-crisis average when wages doubled every 29 years – according to a new Resolution Foundation report published today (Tuesday). Count the pennies – funded by the … Continued

Migration proposals will require a completely new approach to recruitment, retention and automation for many firms

Commenting on the government’s latest plans for a new post-Brexit migration system, briefed today (Tuesday) by the Prime Minister and Home Secretary, Stephen Clarke, Senior Economic Analyst at the Resolution Foundation, said: “The government’s proposed post-Brexit migration system will mark a major shift in our labour market, and could fundamentally change how many industries operate. “Low-paying … Continued

Policy makers need to get to the bottom of why life expectancy improvements have stalled

Commenting on the latest ONS life expectancy estimates published today (Tuesday), David Willetts, Executive Chair of the Resolution Foundation, said: “Rising life expectancy has been one of the biggest boons to our living standards over the last century. “Getting to the bottom of why this long-term improvement has stalled – particularly as we still lag behind … Continued

A cooling housing market won’t automatically ease cost of living pressures

Commenting on the latest ONS figures today (Wednesday) on house prices and the Prime Minister’s speech at the National Housing Federation, Dan Tomlinson, Policy Analyst at the Resolution Foundation, said: “The UK’s housing market shows some signs of cooling, with growth in the house price index slowing to its lowest level since 2013. But we should be cautious … Continued

Migration Advisory Committee proposal to all but end low-skilled migration would be the biggest change to the UK labour market in a generation

The recommendations of the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) report would, if accepted, effectively end low-skilled migration, and be the biggest change to the UK labour market in a generation, the Resolution Foundation said today (Tuesday). The Foundation’s welcomes the recommendations of the MAC report, which provides a much-needed evidence-based blueprint for a post-Brexit migration policy. … Continued

Tepid pay recovery emerges as jobs growth cools

Britain has seen a tepid pay recovery emerge in recent months, with strengthening but still very weak wage growth, the Resolution Foundation said today (Tuesday) in response to the latest ONS labour market statistics. Latest figures show employment growth ground to a halt in May-July this year, with a 55,000 fall in unemployment more than … Continued

Britain’s recent wealth boom has benefitted richer households across the country but left poorer households behind in many regions

The wealth gap between households has widened since the financial crisis within many parts of the country including Wales, the East Midlands and Yorkshire and the Humber, according to new analysis published today (Saturday) by the Resolution Foundation. Wealth – which includes property, pensions, financial assets and possessions – is a major factor in living … Continued

Scrapping Entrepreneurs’ Relief – the UK’s worst tax break – would give government a £2.7bn head start in funding its NHS pledge

Entrepreneurs’ Relief is expensive, ineffective, and regressive – and the government should scrap it as it looks for ways to fund its £20bn NHS pledge, according to new analysis published today (Wednesday) by the Resolution Foundation. Entrepreneurs’ Relief, which was introduced by the Labour government in April 2008, allows people selling companies to pay half … Continued

Despite a slight uptick, signs that inflation is trending down

Responding to the latest ONS inflation figures today (Wednesday), showing that CPI inflation rose to 2.5 per cent in June, Stephen Clarke, Senior Economic Analyst at the Resolution Foundation, said: “Although inflation ticked up this month this was driven by changes in relatively erratic items, such as computer games and energy prices. “Strip away these … Continued

Bank’s rate rise suggests that Britain’s weak economic growth could be as good as it gets in the medium term

Commenting on the Bank of England’s decision today (Thursday) to raise interest rates from 0.5 to 0.75 per cent, Matt Whittaker, Deputy Director of the Resolution Foundation, said: “The Bank’s unanimous decision to raise interest rates reflects its view that, while current economic growth is relatively weak by historic standards, this is as good as … Continued

Growing ‘disloyalty bonus’ as pay growth for job movers hits 10 per cent for first time since early-2000s

Mixed signals on the labour market – with strong pay growth for job movers countered by muted pay growth for those sticking with their employer – provides the backdrop to the Bank of England’s big decision on interest rates later today, according to the Resolution Foundation’s latest quarterly Earnings Outlook published today (Thursday). The Earnings … Continued

Child poverty rose last year as incomes for the poorest third of families fell

Britain’s weak post-crisis living standards recovery went into reverse last year for the poorest 30 per cent of families, as incomes fell in the bottom third fell by between £50 and £150, according to the Resolution Foundation’s flagship annual Living Standards Audit published today (Tuesday). To establish recent trends in household living standards, the Audit … Continued

Britain can’t rely on low inflation to deliver to growing pay packets

Responding to the latest ONS inflation figures today (Wednesday), showed that CPIH inflation remained at 2.3 per cent in June, Stephen Clarke, Senior Economic Analyst at the Resolution Foundation, said: “As the impact of the Brexit vote on the pound – and consequently on the price of imported goods – continues to unwind, headline inflation … Continued

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