UK households have taken a £1,500 income hit since the EU referendum

Household incomes are around £1,500 a year lower today than they were expected to be before the Brexit referendum – with the UK having experienced the sharpest income growth slowdown of any economy for which the OECD publish data – according to a new Resolution Foundation analysis published today (Monday). Counting the cost – which … Continued

Home ownership ticks up – but it’s coming later in life

Home ownership rates rose across England (up 1 percentage point to 64 per cent), and even in London (up slightly to 48 per cent), last year (2017/18) – the Resolution Foundation said today (Thursday) in response to the English Housing Survey headline report. Despite the uptick, ownership rates remain well below their 2003 peak of … Continued

Tight labour market breaks new ground on jobs 

Britain’s labour market tightened further to deliver a record high on employment and a record low on economic inactivity, the Resolution Foundation said today in response to the latest ONS figures. Employment hit a new record high of 75.8 per cent in the three months to November, while economic inactivity hit a joint record low … Continued

Britain has experienced a decade of falling ‘employment inequality’

Britain’s post-crisis jobs boom has particularly benefited low-income households and disadvantaged groups – though rising employment has been accompanied by higher job insecurity for young people in particular – according to a new report published today (Monday) by the Resolution Foundation. Setting the record straight explores how record employment levels have changed Britain since the … Continued

England’s 20 year housing stock squeeze has left 1.7 million families sharing in the private rented sector

England has just 825 homes for every 1,000 families, following 20 years of its housing stock not keeping pace with demographic change, according to new analysis published today (Saturday) by the Resolution Foundation. The new findings categorically refute the argument that England does not have a housing shortage by showing that the ratio between housing … Continued

Black and ethnic minority workers face a £3.2bn annual pay penalty

Britain’s 1.9 million black, Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi employees are experiencing an annual pay penalty of £3.2bn according to new analysis published today (Thursday) by the Resolution Foundation.   The Foundation says that the scale of pay penalties facing BAME (black, Asian and minority ethnic) workers should prompt government action, including building on the success … Continued

ONS’ decision to bring student loans onto the books will raise borrowing and sets backdrop to post-18 education reforms

Commenting on the ONS’s decision today (Monday) to change the accounting of student loans, Matt Whittaker, Deputy Director at the Resolution Foundation, said: “Today’s decision by the ONS to bring the cost of student loans onto the books when they are issued could have major implications for the government, despite reflecting an accountancy change rather … Continued

Government right to focus on raising the quality and quantity of work in Britain today

Commenting on the government’s reforms to the workplace announced today (Monday), which build on the recommendations of the Taylor Review of Modern Working Practices, Lindsay Judge, Senior Policy Analyst at the Resolution Foundation said:  “With Britain seeing record employment levels the government is right to focus on raising the quality as well as quantity of work. … Continued

ONS’ reclassification of the student loan book could wipe out the Chancellor’s Brexit ‘deal dividend’

The ONS’ decision tomorrow (Monday) on how it treats student loans in the public finances could add £72bn to the government’s borrowing figures over the next five years, and virtually wipe out the Chancellor’s Brexit ‘deal dividend’, the Resolution Foundation says in a new briefing note published today (Sunday). The analysis shows that the result … Continued

Pay pressure continues to build in low-paying sectors of the economy

Nominal pay growth rose to 3.3 per cent – with growth strongest in hospitality, real estate and ICT – and employment returned to a joint record high of 75.7 per cent as Britain’s labour market continued to shrug off wider uncertainty about the economy this Autumn, the Resolution Foundation said today (Tuesday) in response to … Continued

An improved technical education system has a key role to play in meeting Britain’s productivity challenge

An improved technical education system has a key role in meeting Britain’s productivity challenge Commenting on the speech today (Thursday) by Secretary of State for Education Damian Hinds setting out his plans to reform Britain’s technical education system, David Willetts, Executive Chair at the Resolution Foundation, said: “The Education Secretary is right to highlight the … Continued

Tougher, targeted enforcement is needed to tackle bad practice in agency worker hotspots across Britain

Government should close equal pay loophole to help tackle £400 agency worker pay penalty New task-forces are needed in agency worker hotspots such as Barking and Dagenham, Leicester, Sandwell and North East Lincolnshire to target poor practice and shore up the positive aspects of agency employment, the Resolution Foundation says today (Saturday) in the final … Continued

Inflationary pressures look set to ease for families

Inflation (CPIH) remained at 2.4 per cent in October, but the underlying trends suggest that price pressures could ease in the coming months, the Resolution Foundation said today (Wednesday) in response to the latest figures. Over the past 20 months, persistently high inflation has eaten into real wages, and put a lid on any building … Continued

Universal Credit is now better equipped for the final phase of its roll-out – but challenges remain

Commenting on the regulations laid down in parliament today (Monday) that will govern the final phase of the Universal Credit roll-out, David Finch, Senior Fellow at the Resolution Foundation, said: “The final phase of the Universal Credit roll-out, which will involve around two million families moving from one benefits system to another, is the biggest … Continued

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