Scottish Child Payment is a significant step in the right direction towards tackling child poverty

The new Scottish Child Payment of £10 a week for eligible children across Scotland, announced today (Wednesday) by the Scottish government, is a welcome step forward in terms of the government’s aim of reducing child poverty, the Resolution Foundation said today. Adam Corlett, Senior Economic Analyst at the Resolution Foundation, said: “The Scottish Child Payment … Continued

Consumption crunch – young people today are spending less than they did at turn of the century

Young people today are spending 7 per cent less on non-housing items than they were back in 2001, according to the Resolution Foundation’s inaugural Intergenerational audit, published today (Thursday). The audit, supported by the Nuffield Foundation, is a major examination of the big generational living standards issues facing Britain. From the labour market to the … Continued

Real wage growth solid as record employment is maintained

Britain’s labour market has settled down – with employment remaining at a record high and real wages growing at a solid but unspectacular rate, the Resolution Foundation said today (Tuesday) in response to the labour market statistics. The Foundation notes that pay growth, employment and unemployment have all remained stable in recent months, with unemployment … Continued

Number of low-paid workers fell by 200,000 last year

The proportion of low-paid workers across Britain has fallen to its lowest level since 1980, and low pay could be eliminated altogether by the middle of the 2020s, according to the Resolution Foundation’s latest annual Low Pay Britain report. Low Bay Britain 2019 examines the extent of low pay across the economy (defined as two-thirds … Continued

Pensioner poverty rates have fallen by two-thirds since 1980s peak

Pensioner poverty rates for those entering retirement today are down by two-thirds compared to previous generations in the 1980s peak, though children born today are facing record poverty rates, according to a new report published today (Wednesday) by the Resolution Foundation. The Generation of Poverty – a report funded by the Nuffield Foundation – examines … Continued

Unemployment falls to 44-year low as the working week gets longer

The UK’s jobs market continued to defy economic uncertainty, with unemployment falling to a 44-year low and the number of hours worked increasing. However falling productivity suggests that the outlook for pay will remain subdued, the Resolution Foundation said today (Tuesday) in response to the latest labour market figures. The UK’s jobs market remained strong … Continued

Real wage growth finally returns to pre-referendum levels

Real wage growth has finally returned to pre-referendum levels, though the post-referendum pay slump has left average workers £12 a week worse off, the Resolution Foundation said today (Tuesday) in response to the latest labour market figures. Though nominal wage growth fell slightly to 3.4 per cent in the three months to February, easing inflation … Continued

Incomes stagnated and poverty rose last year

Typical household incomes stagnated last year (2017-18), as child poverty continued to rise, the Resolution Foundation said today in response to the latest Households Below Average Income (HBAI) statistics, published earlier today (Thursday). The latest figures show that the number of children living in absolute poverty increased by 200,000 last year. Relative child poverty also … Continued

Child poverty across Scotland on course to reach a 20-year high

The Scottish government risks missing its child poverty targets by some distance as poverty levels are set to rise rather than fall over the next five years, according to new analysis published today (Friday) by the Resolution Foundation. The analysis shows that, following large falls in the 2000s, relative child poverty has been rising since … Continued

2019 starts with an employment surge as firms hire rather than invest

Britain’s job market broke new ground, with employment increasing by a huge 222,000 and hitting 76.1 per cent for the first time since World War Two, the Resolution Foundation said in response to the latest ONS labour market figures today (Tuesday). The Foundation says the latest data shows that while business investment and growth stagnated … Continued

Progress on raising people’s qualifications and skills has stalled in pre-Brexit Britain

Rapid increases in people’s qualifications and skill levels have stalled since the mid-2000s, and both policy makers and employers must restart this progress, according to a new Resolution Foundation report published today (Monday). Pick up the pace – a comprehensive audit of skills and educational attainment across Britain – shows that the profile of Britain’s workforce … Continued

City leaders must rise to Britain’s low pay challenge

One-in-five workers in Greater Manchester are low paid, rising to one-in-four in Sheffield and Tees Valley

Greater Manchester’s devolved powers mean it is uniquely placed to tackle the low pay challenges faced by Britain’s major cities, according to a new report published today (Sunday) by the Resolution Foundation. The report Low Pay in Greater Manchester, which will be published as part of the Greater Manchester Independent Prosperity Review on Tuesday, shows … Continued

Migration to Britain is changing – before it even leaves the EU

Britain’s labour market is undergoing a huge shift in terms of migrant workforce, despite overall levels of net migration remaining stable since the EU referendum, the Resolution Foundation said today (Thursday) in response to the latest ONS quarterly migration figures. The Foundation notes that while overall net migration remained stable at 283,000 in the year … Continued

Shop workers now face the highest risk of unemployment or redundancy

Shop workers now face the highest risk of unemployment or redundancy Retail’s shrinking share of the UK workforce – which dates back to 2003 and is equivalent to 320,000 missing employee jobs – is starting to hurt job prospects for shop workers despite record employment, according to a new report published today (Wednesday) by the … Continued

Child poverty risks hitting record levels

UK households are facing the prospect of stagnating living standards, while the proportion of children living in poverty risks hitting a record high by the end of the parliament, according to a new report published today (Wednesday) by the Resolution Foundation. The Living Standards Outlook 2019, which brings together recent data, the OBR’s economic projections … Continued

Focusing on happiness should reinforce, rather than replace, need to deliver security at home and work

A secure job, a home of your own, and more money (particularly for low-income households) are all key drivers of higher well-being, and should therefore be prioritised by policy makers, according to a new report published today (Wednesday) by the Resolution Foundation. Happy now? examines subjective well-being across the country to assess the drivers of … Continued

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