Labour market
Economy and public finances
Political parties and elections

Resolution Foundation welcomes Chancellor’s hugely ambitious plan to eliminate low pay

RF says a measured approach is needed to reach this milestone over five years

The Chancellor’s plan to eliminate low pay over the next five years – by raising the National Living Wage (NLW) to reach two-thirds of typical hourly pay – is hugely ambitious and will need to be implemented carefully, the Resolution Foundation said today (Monday) in response to the Chancellor’s speech to the Conservative Party conference. … Continued

Labour has set out some significant welfare reforms, but they sensibly do not amount to actually scrapping Universal Credit

Commenting on the Labour Party’s plans to reform the UK’s benefits system, Adam Corlett, Senior Economic Analyst at the Resolution Foundation, said: “Labour has set out some significant reforms, but they sensibly do not amount to actually scrapping Universal Credit. Now isn’t the time for another huge overhaul of our social security system. “Instead, Labour have … Continued

‘No deal’ would require a £60bn policy response

With existing studies of a ‘no deal’ Brexit focusing on the size of the economic shock, and many  policy makers focusing on how little can be done about the structural changes brought about by Brexit, new Resolution Foundation research, published today (Thursday) argues for a more active policy to reduce short-term damage to households and … Continued

One in twenty workers say they are not receiving any paid holiday entitlement

Around one in twenty workers report not receiving any holiday entitlement, while around one in ten do not receive a payslip ­– highlighting the scale of labour market violations across the UK – according to new analysis published today (Monday) by the Resolution Foundation. The analysis, published to mark the start of the Resolution Foundation’s … Continued

UK labour market delivers stronger pay growth

RF says household living standards rely on maintaining a tight labour market

Record employment is now delivering healthy pay growth and protecting it is crucial to household living standards, the Resolution Foundation said today (Tuesday) in response to the latest labour market figures. Regular pay growth (excluding bonuses) was 3.8 per cent in the three months to July 2019 (easing slightly while total pay including bonuses strengthened to … Continued

The UK is not recession ready

The world has changed since the global financial crisis but the UK’s macroeconomic policy framework has not kept pace, risking the next recession being unnecessarily painful, according to a new report published today (Monday) by the Resolution Foundation. The report Recession Ready? – published to mark the launch of the Resolution Foundation’s new Macroeconomic Policy … Continued

The Chancellor has binned austerity and his fiscal rules with the biggest increase in public service spending since 2004

The Chancellor today ended austerity by announcing a £13.4bn increase in public service spending, and in practice tearing up his fiscal rules, the Resolution Foundation said today (Wednesday) in response to the Spending Round. The Foundation notes that the Chancellor’s spending package for 2020-21 equates to a 4.1 per cent real-terms increase in day-to-day departmental … Continued

Chancellor’s spending plans are likely to break his fiscal rules

The new Chancellor’s plans to increase public spending next week look set to be inconsistent with the fiscal rules he publicly remains committed to, according to a report published today (Saturday) by the Resolution Foundation. Breaking the rules examines the Chancellor’s options for his Spending Round next Wednesday (4 September) when he will set out … Continued

Geordie Shore generation are out-earning Byker Grovers – but Midlands millennials are falling behind

Millennials in the North East have experienced the UK’s biggest pay growth compared to the generation before them, but those in the East Midlands are earning less than people born 15 years earlier, according to new research published today (Thursday) by the Resolution Foundation. Mapping millennials’ living standards examines how young adults across Britain today … Continued

Apprenticeship reforms have improved quality but must deliver routes into careers for new starters 

Controversial reforms to the apprenticeships system have defied many of their critics and led to a welcome drop in the number of lower-quality apprenticeships in low-paying sectors, according to a new report published today (Saturday) by the Resolution Foundation. Trading up or trading off? Understanding recent changes in England’s apprenticeships system finds that claims that the … Continued

Borrowing ahead of Office for Budget Responsibility forecasts

Richard Hughes, Macroeconomic Policy Unit Research Associate at the Resolution Foundation, said: “Borrowing was £6 billion higher in the first four months of this year than the same period last year. The Office for Budget Responsibility had been expecting a 29 per cent increase in borrowing for this year as a whole, but we’re seeing … Continued

Today’s GDP figures reflect Brexit uncertainty and global slowdown

Matthew Whittaker, Deputy Chief Executive at the Resolution Foundation, said: “Today’s negative growth figures reflect a combination of Brexit uncertainty and global economic slowdown, with both challenges set to persist over the near term. That doesn’t mean we’re necessarily heading for recession, but the risk is certainly heightened right now. “Given our work has shown … Continued

Scottish property wealth soars, but housing wealth inequality also on the rise

Property wealth held in Scotland has increased ten-fold over the last 50 years, but the last decade has been marked by rising housing wealth inequality, according to a new Resolution Foundation report published today (Tuesday). Taking Stock, funded by the Scottish Poverty and Inequality Commission, examines the scale and distribution of housing wealth over time, … Continued

Instead of driving up self-employment, the minimum wage has driven up pay for the self-employed

The introduction and subsequent ramping up of the National Minimum Wage (NMW) and National Living Wage (NLW) has not driven the rise in self-employed workers, but it might have affected their earnings despite not being entitled to it, according to the Resolution Foundation’s Earnings Outlook, published today (Monday). The latest quarterly Earnings Outlook focuses on … Continued

OBR report shows that incoming PM’s Brexit strategy will shape their domestic strategy too

The fiscal implications of the incoming Prime Minister’s Brexit strategy in the coming months will shape the government’s domestic policy strategy, rather than exist as a separate agenda, the Resolution Foundation said today (Thursday) in response to the latest Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) Fiscal Risks Report. The 293-page report highlights several risks to the … Continued

Households have experienced a tighter income squeeze in recent years than during the 1990s recession

Over the past two years, UK households have experienced slower income growth than in the aftermath of the early 1990s recession, and the weakest growth outside of recessions since records began in 1961, according to new Resolution Foundation’s annual Living Standards Audit published today (Wednesday). Living Standards Audit 2019 explores the state of living standards … Continued

Britain is facing the highest recession risk since 2007

Britain is facing the highest recession risk since 2007 and, whether or not one materialises, urgently needs a plan for mitigating the effects of the next downturn, a new Resolution Foundation report warns today (Sunday).   Failing to plan = Planning to fail is the first of a series of reports looking at the impact … Continued

New Office for Tackling Injustices is welcome – but it will judged on prompting action, not monitoring data

Commenting on the outgoing Prime Minister’s announcement today (Friday) of a new Office for Tackling Injustices, Fahmida Rahman, Policy Analyst at the Resolution Foundation, said: “The Prime Minster was right to identify burning injustices facing Britain, even if her efforts to address them have largely been thwarted, in part by Brexit, or failed to live … Continued

Geographic income inequality has halved since 1990 but productivity divides still near record highs

Differences in typical household incomes across the UK’s regions and nations have halved since their 1990 peak, but differences in productivity remain close to record highs, according to new research published today (Thursday) by the Resolution Foundation. Mapping gaps examines the relative economic performance of UK regions and nations since the 1960s, and the extent … Continued

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