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Pensions and savings

The pensions that people save into over the course of their working lives are a core part of living standards in retirement. Our work looks at changes in the level and security of retirement incomes, the distribution of pension savings and coverage, and trends in wider access to savings.


Molly Broome

T: 0203 372 2954

Under triple lock and key

What would a ‘triple-lock-plus’ policy look like?


The Conservative Party has announced that, if re-elected, it intends to increase the personal allowance for pensioners in line with the triple lock – a policy which has been referred…
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Ineffective Savings Accounts


Today marks the beginning of a new ISA (Individual Savings Account) year with savers able to squirrel away up to £20,000 over the next year, with the returns being completely…
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Precautionary tales

Tackling the problem of low saving among UK households


Families in Britain are confronted with what can be termed a ‘triple savings challenge’. This encompasses a lack of accessible ‘rainy day’ savings to cushion small cashflow shocks, inadequate precautionary…
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Saving for today. And tomorrow.

How to boost households financial resilience now, and living standards in retirement

British households aren’t saving enough. Pensions auto-enrolment has got far more of us saving for retirement, but too many of us are not on track for a comfortable old age.…
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From boom to gloom?

The winners and losers from rising rates and falling wealth

Britain has experienced a 30-year wealth boom, driven by record low interest rates, causing unprecedented levels of intergenerational inequality. But this has now been brought to an abrupt end, with…
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Britain’s inheritance boom could further decouple people’s retirement age from their state pension age

It’s inheritance and where you live which are the barriers to retirement


The UK’s state pension age is going up – and perhaps faster than expected. The age at which you can draw the state pension is due to rise from 66…
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Expand the Help to Save scheme to help the poorest


It would be hard to miss the fact that the UK economy is currently in bad shape. A 40-year high in inflation, falling incomes and ever more industrial action are…
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Assessing the Government’s policies to encourage household saving


The cost of living crisis highlights the long-standing issue of there being too many UK families with too little in savings. This is not a reflection of policy neglect: there…
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