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Macroeconomic policy

Macroeconomic policy – like the interest rates set by the Bank of England, or the level of spending and taxes set by the Government – affect the overall level of economic activity, and so have an impact on living standards across the board. Such policies play a crucial role in reducing the damage caused by recessions. And this is particularly important for those on low to middle incomes who are often particularly badly affected by a severe economic downturn. Our work seeks to contribute to a better-informed and more inclusive macroeconomic policy debate.


James Smith

James Smith

Research Director
T: 0203 372 2953

Felicia Odamtten

T: 0203 372 2916

The Macroeconomic Policy Outlook Q1 2025


It has been a bleak winter for the Government’s hopes that the economy might turn a corner. Markets have been volatile, with the cost of government borrowing rising to its…
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The Macroeconomic Policy Outlook Q2 2024


Real wages – measured in terms of the goods that workers can buy with their regular wages – rose by around 2 per cent in the year to February 2024.…
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Inflation scarring

How has the cost-of-living crisis changed Britain?

Economies around the world exited the Covid-19 pandemic in 2021, and jumped straight into the biggest inflation surge for four decades, with a cost-of-living crisis accelerated by Russia’s invasion of…
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The Macroeconomic Policy Outlook Q1 2024


2023 was yet another year of economic stagnation for the UK. By the third quarter of the year, economic activity was only 0.2 per cent higher than at the end…
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Riding the economic rollercoaster

Is Britain’s macroeconomic policy framework fit for purpose?

Britain’s macroeconomic policy that the Treasury and Bank of England have got used to is crisis management – from a financial crash to a global pandemic and a huge inflation…
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Macroeconomic Policy Outlook: Q3 2023


In this edition of the MPO we focus on the scale and nature of the UK’s inflation challenge, looking at what we can learn from comparisons with other countries, and…
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Worlds apart

Why is UK inflation so much higher than in the US, and what does that tell us about the economic outlook?

Resolution Foundation event with The Brookings Institution The last few years have not been easy times for any advanced economies. The UK, US, and Eurozone have all buffeted by major…
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Ending Stagnation

A New Economic Strategy for Britain

The final report of The Economy 2030 Inquiry The UK has great strengths, but is a decade and a half into a period of stagnation. The combination of slow growth…
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