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Well-being and mental health

There is more to life than GDP. When discussing living standards, we are increasingly looking at subjective well-being data to complement data on income and output. Our work looks at changes in well-being across different groups, and what drives these changes, as well as the impact that people’s labour market experience (including their income, working hours and job security) can have on their physical and mental health.



Louise Murphy

Senior Economist
T: 0203 372 2916

Delivering the undeliverable

Five principles to guide policy makers through reforming incapacity and disability benefits


Context The Government is set to announce a Green Paper on health-related benefit reform £2bn health-related benefit cuts are baked into OBR forecasts and need to be specified The backdrop?…
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A U-shaped legacy

Taking stock of trends in economic inactivity in 2024


In an election year, jobs and benefits are often centre stage. Alongside the UK’s stagnant wage growth, there is one big issue that will face the next government: the rises…
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We’ve only just begun

Action to improve young people’s mental health, education and employment


The transition to adulthood is a tumultuous time: leaving education, entering the labour market, living independent of family and managing one’s finances all come with their stresses and strains. But…
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Healthy starts

How mental ill-health shapes the education and economic prospects of young people

The rising prevalence of mental health problems among young people over recent decades is becoming increasingly concerning. While evidently distressing for the young people and their families, periods of poor…
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Left behind

Exploring the prevalence of youth worklessness due to ill health in different parts of the UK


This briefing note is part of the Health Foundation’s Young people’s future health inquiry, in which we focus on the prevalence of youth worklessness due to ill health in different…
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Post-pandemic participation

Exploring labour force participation in the UK, from the Covid-19 pandemic to the decade ahead


Labour market inactivity has increased. Many of the newly inactive won’t come back. Boosting labour market participation means focusing on older workers, women with children, and those affected by rising…
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Not working

Exploring changing trends in youth worklessness in the UK, from the 1990s to the Covid-19 pandemic


This report is part of the Health Foundation’s Young people’s future health inquiry, in which we focus on the labour market experience of young people, including its implications for health.…
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