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Social mobility

Secure routes out of poverty, the ability to accumulate wealth and paths into higher pay are all important for boosting people’s living standards and position in society over the course of their lifetimes or in comparison to their parents. We look at trends in social mobility on a range of different measures, and what drives these.


Nye Cominetti

Principal Economist

Are universities worth it?

A review of the evidence and policy options


Young graduates earn £5,000 more annually than non-graduates, but that premium is lower than it was 10 years ago. The real earnings of young graduates have been broadly flat over…
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Healthy starts

How mental ill-health shapes the education and economic prospects of young people

The rising prevalence of mental health problems among young people over recent decades is becoming increasingly concerning. While evidently distressing for the young people and their families, periods of poor…
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Tackling structural inequality should sit at the heart of boosting living standards


Tackling inequality is a long game, particularly when faced with deeply embedded structural inequalities. And understanding how structural inequality plays out across different people, places and points in time requires…
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To understand inequality, we need to understand its intersections too


Inequality has been moving up the political agenda in recent years. Public concern about the issue is at record levels. Politicians across the spectrum – from Theresa May’s emphasis on…
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House of the rising son (or daughter): the impact of parental wealth on their children’s homeownership


The rise of the so-called Bank of Mum and Dad (BOMAD) is much-discussed but until now there has been little analysis of the strength of the relationship between parental support…
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Widening inequalities between generations are impeding social mobility


Intergenerational progress – the principle that each generation will do better than the one before – has come to a halt. Millennials in their late 20s are earning less than…
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Today’s problems of intergenerational inequality risk becoming tomorrow’s big social mobility divide


Launching a review of higher education recently, the Prime Minister spoke of her wish to make the UK a country ‘where your background does not define your future’. Naturally, education…
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Diverse outcomes: living standards by ethnicity


This briefing note looks at how typical household incomes have differed by ethnicity, given that around one fifth of the population self-report their ethnicity as something other than White British.…
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