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Living standards

Material living standards are the result of labour market outcomes, taxes, benefits, housing and more. Bringing all of these together, we track past, present and projected changes in incomes to assess how the economy is really working for households. We look especially at low-to-middle-income families, and at the various inequalities in modern Britain.


Adam Corlett

Principal Economist
T: 020 3372 2983

Lalitha Try

T: 0203 372 2906

Hard times

Assessing household incomes since 2010


This briefing note is part of the Resolution Foundation’s ‘Need to Know Election 2024’ series and examines how income growth, poverty and inequality have changed over the last Parliament and…
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Old age tendencies

The impact of tax and benefit changes on intergenerational fairness ahead of the 2024 general election


In this Spotlight we look at the impact of spending, tax and benefit decisions taken since 2010 through the lens of intergenerational fairness. What stands out in this context is…
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Inflation scarring

How has the cost-of-living crisis changed Britain?

Economies around the world exited the Covid-19 pandemic in 2021, and jumped straight into the biggest inflation surge for four decades, with a cost-of-living crisis accelerated by Russia’s invasion of…
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Powering Britain

Can we decarbonise electricity without disadvantaging poorer families?

The UK’s transition towards a net zero economy requires a complete overhaul of our power sector. We don’t just need electricity generation that has been decarbonised, but a huge amount…
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In credit?

Assessing where Universal Credit’s long rollout has left the benefit system, and Britain

Universal Credit, announced back in 2010 and introduced in 2013, will be fully rolled out by whoever wins the next election. The benefit has been on a rollercoaster over those…
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Housing Outlook Q1 2024


Welcome to our first Housing Outlook in what looks set to be an election year, and one where housing could well be a prominent issue. This quarter, we consider whether…
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Building pressure?

Rising rents, and what to expect in the future

The combination of high house prices and stagnating incomes over recent decades, coupled with the decline of social housing, mean that millions more of us are private renters. And they…
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Living life to the full

How can we make our longer lives healthier, happier and more productive?

Book launch for The Longevity Imperative by Professor Andrew J Scott Britain, along with many other countries, is getting older and living longer. This demographic shift has huge health, economic…
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