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Demographic trends are central to today’s living standards challenges. The fact that people are living longer than ever before, leading to a higher proportion of retirees, has huge implications for resources, individuals, families and the state. Our work focuses on responding to demographic change – including the extra spending it will bring – so that people can enjoy improvements in living standards throughout their lives.


Molly Broome

T: 0203 372 2954

David Willetts

President of the Resolution Foundation's Intergenerational Centre
T: 020 3372 2960

Ageing in the fast and slow lane

Examining geographic gaps in ageing


Like most countries, the UK is ageing – over the past five decades its median age has risen from 34 to 41. This deep demographic trend has all sorts of…
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Unsung Britain

The changing economic circumstances of the poorer half of Britain


This report marks the launch of Unsung Britain, a one-year research programme designed to understand the economic circumstances of today’s low-to-middle income families and how these have changed in recent…
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Living life to the full

How can we make our longer lives healthier, happier and more productive?

Book launch for The Longevity Imperative by Professor Andrew J Scott Britain, along with many other countries, is getting older and living longer. This demographic shift has huge health, economic…
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New age or age-old appeal

How different generations view the parties and issues that will determine the General Election

In recent decades age has replaced class as one of the key determinants of a voter’s values and voting behaviour. But these trends never sit still, especially as issues –…
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Ending Stagnation

A New Economic Strategy for Britain

The final report of The Economy 2030 Inquiry The UK has great strengths, but is a decade and a half into a period of stagnation. The combination of slow growth…
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War or peace?

How the public views Britain’s generational strains – and the policy responses to them

There is overwhelming evidence that Britain’s social contract is under strain. Young people today aren’t enjoying big generational living standards improvements, and are struggling to match lifecycle milestones that previous…
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Making your voice heard?

How different generations participate in politics

Part of the ESRC funded Connecting Generations Thought Leader series. The political context in which people grow up can play a hugely influential role in how that age cohort participate in…
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Wealth booms and debt burdens

How Britain’s recent economic history and outlook affects different generations

Part of the ESRC funded Connecting Generations Thought Leader series. The financial crisis is largely considered to have increased inequalities between generations, with rising public debt leading to higher taxes…
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