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Economy and public finances

Our work explores the choices being taken by the government with regard to public finances and how these choices may affect different parts of the population, particularly those on low incomes.


James Smith

James Smith

Research Director
T: 0203 372 2956

Felicia Odamtten

T: 0203 372 2916

Debt dramas

Putting the public finances in context ahead of general election 2024


The public finances have already emerged as a key issue in this election. So, in this briefing note, we step back and ask how we got to where we are…
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State crafting

Changes and challenges for managing the public finances

Tax and spend are at the heart of every general election – understandably as they represent the most significant choices made by most governments. The size and shape of the…
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Happy new tax year

Six big changes to pay, tax and benefit policy – and how they affect households across Britain


The beginning of April brings a new tax year, and a flurry of tax, benefit and pay policy changes coming into effect. Benefit levels are finally returning to their pre-pandemic…
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Austerity doesn’t just damage public services, it destroys faith in the future

Britain can’t afford the tax cuts announced in the budget


As the dust settles on the budget, it’s time to reflect on the real task facing anyone trying to govern Britain. The tax cuts announced are paid for with big…
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Putting the 2024 Spring Budget in context


In this briefing note, we put the decisions in the Spring Budget 2024 in context, discussing how the economic outlook has changed, what that means for the public finances, and…
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Game changer?

Assessing the Budget’s economic, and electoral, impact

The upcoming Spring Budget may be the last big fiscal event before the General Election, one of few chances for the government to set the terms of the economic debate.…
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Tax cuts today, spending cuts tomorrow?

How the Budget might shape the General Election and beyond

An election is coming, and therefore so are tax cuts in the Budget on 6th March. But the size of those tax cuts are dependent on the amount of fiscal…
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