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The Scottish government’s legislative powers give it an opportunity to shape a distinct living standards agenda from the rest of the UK. Our work focuses on living standards trends across Scotland, and how policy can drive different outcomes.


Charlie McCurdy

T: 020 3372 2960

Ending stagnation

How to boost prosperity across Scotland

This event was in Glasgow. A toxic combination of 15 years of low growth, and four decades of high inequality, has left Britain poorer and falling behind its peers. Productivity…
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Policy making beyond Westminster

Economic lessons from 25 years of national devolution

1999 saw the Scottish Parliament, the Northern Ireland Assembly and the Senedd all meet in their full form for the first time. This marked the most significant act of devolution…
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The wealth of a nation

What the changing size and shape of household wealth means for Scotland

This event was in Edinburgh. Record low interest rates over the past 30 years led to a wealth boom, with Scottish households seeing wealth rise by £700 billion since the…
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Taking stock

Report for the Scottish Poverty and Inequality Commission


There has been a growing appreciation in recent years that living standards are determined not just by income (the flow of money into a household) but also by wealth (the…
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A welcome boost for ‘just about managing’ families in Scotland


Yesterday started with a bleak assessment by the Child Poverty Action Group of the impact of ongoing welfare cuts – specifically how the two-child limit on support, which began to…
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Wrong direction: can Scotland hit its child poverty targets?


The Child Poverty (Scotland) Act 2017 created targets for the reduction of child poverty, in a welcome attempt to ensure that poverty reduction remained a policy priority. But agreeing to…
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The £1 trillion pie: how wealth is shared across Scotland 


The wealth of Scottish households has grown rapidly in recent years and now exceeds £1 trillion for the first time. But from a living standards perspective, what matters is how…
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Will the (Scottish) Budget raise income tax rates?


With the UK Budget imminent, it’s important not to forget proposals released in Scotland earlier this month. These could lead to increases in income tax rates as soon as April,…
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