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Net zero

The UK’s journey towards a carbon neutral economy is set to move from setting ambitious targets to delivering progress that will bring profound changes in the coming decade that will affect people and places throughout the UK. Our work on Net zero will focus on what these changes will mean for living standards, ensuring that the costs and benefits of the Net zero transition are distributed across households, as well as preventing the costs of adapting and responding to a changing climate from falling unfairly across society


Jonathan Marshall

Senior Economist
T: 0203 372 2918

Adam Corlett

Principal Economist
T: 0203 372 2983

Electric dreams

How can we decarbonise electricity without disadvantaging poorer families?


A low carbon electricity system will underpin the UK’s journey to net zero, making the electricity we use today greener but also fuelling our cars and keeping us warm at…
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Powering Britain

Can we decarbonise electricity without disadvantaging poorer families?

The UK’s transition towards a net zero economy requires a complete overhaul of our power sector. We don’t just need electricity generation that has been decarbonised, but a huge amount…
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It’s getting hot in here

How ever-warmer UK summer temperatures will have an outsized impact on low-income households and low-paid workers


Although the UK’s summer of 2023 has been something of a washout so far, the country is getting hotter, with temperatures over 40oC – first experienced in the UK in…
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Ending Stagnation

A New Economic Strategy for Britain

The final report of The Economy 2030 Inquiry The UK has great strengths, but is a decade and a half into a period of stagnation. The combination of slow growth…
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Living in a material world

How resources shape our past, present and future

Materials matter. They have been critical in shaping the path of human history, from the innovations we create to the relationships between nations. This has always been true from iron…
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Where the rubber hits the road

Reforming vehicle taxes


This briefing note examines the future of motoring taxes, which need extensive reform given the necessary and welcome rise of electric vehicles. We detail a suite of policies that will…
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Running out of road?

How to avoid (net) zero car taxation

The UK is decarbonising its stock of cars quicker than most people expected – last year there were over a million Electric Vehicles (EVs) on our roads. This is great…
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What Britain should learn from Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act plan

Like or loath the ‘protectionist’ Inflation Reduction Act’s green subsidies, America offers an example of strategic thinking


The UK has lost the habit of thinking strategically. Grappling with the constraints imposed by the global and domestic economies — or reality as it is sometimes known — is…
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