In one of its landmark annual events, the Resolution Foundation launched The State of Living Standards, a detailed and revealing study of life on low to middle incomes. The survey examines in depth the economic circumstances and financial pressures on the 5 million households which fall into this category and asks how far their fortunes will change as economic recovery begins to take hold. James Plunkett, the Resolution Foundation’s director of policy, and Alex Hurrell, senior analyst, presented the key findings of the annual audit – on incomes, work, housing, savings and debt – and its analysis of the economic obstacles that stand in the way of a rise in living standards. In response, Stephanie Flanders of JP Morgan, Julia Unwin from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Tim Montgomerie, of the Times and YouGov’s Peter Kellner, discussed the current state of the nation’s living standards and what they mean for the country’s future. Find out where you stand in the income distribution: visit width="427" height="356" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen">