The Resolution Foundation presents a double header book launch on the modern world of work: Humans as a Service: The Promise and Perils of Work in the Gig Economy by Jeremias Prassl Hired: Six Months Undercover in Low-Wage Britain by James Bloodworth The gig economy has the potential to revolutionise work, offering more independence for workers, but this ‘flexibility’ can easily turn into insecurity and exploitation. And while app-based bosses are new, the age old issues of low pay and precarious work remain prevalent across Britain’s labour market. In his new book, Professor Jeremias Prassl offers an engaging account of work in the gig economy, highlighting the competing narratives of on-demand gigs offering entrepreneurial flexibility, and precarious work controlled by user ratings and algorithmic surveillance. Journalist James Bloodworth offers further insight in his new book through his experience of working and living off the proceeds of gruelling low paid jobs in Britain over six months. At an event at the Resolution Foundation’s headquarters in Westminster, both authors will outline the key arguments in their new book. They will be joined by the TUC’s Head of Economics Kate Bell and Resolution Foundation Director Torsten Bell to discuss how Britain’s labour market can be adapted to deal with these difficult challenges, before taking part in an audience Q&A. width="100%" height="100" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" data-name="pb-iframe-player">