Despite major government investment since the mid-2000s childcare continues to represent a significant cost for working parents, meaning that many second earners can find that they are no better-off in work. The government is consulting on plans to spend an extra £1 billion per year on additional childcare support, but at present this additional support is skewed towards comparatively wealthier households. At this Resolution Foundation and Mumsnet private roundtable Julian Astle(Senior policy and strategy adviser to Nick Clegg) discussed the Liberal Democrat agenda for the future of childcare. Vidhya Alakeson (Resolution Foundation) and Katie O’Donovan (Mumsnet) responded, providing insights into the potential policy responses the Liberal Democrats might choose to pursue. This was a private roundtable event. This event is part of a Resolution Foundation series on the future of childcare. This includes events at the Labour party conference with Yvette Cooper MP and at the Conservative party conference with Amber Rudd MP.