The Resolution Foundation held fringe events at all three Party Conferences on The Care Crunch – how do we create a brighter future for older people. With the credit crunch dominating the media this event sought to highlight the pressure on public finances and family budgets faced by rising care needs in an ageing society. This event, held at all three Party Conferences, centred on some key issues: Where do the roles and responsibilities between the state, family and individual divide? How can the public, third and private sector work together to support this? How can we make better use of people’s property and savings, without penalising those who save? How, as our society ages, can we think positively about the contribution older people can make and include them as active participants in their services, families and wider society? The speakers were: Liberal Democrat Party Conference: Paul Burstow MP Clive Cowdery, the Resolution Foundation Katy Litt, Norwich Union Gordon Lishman, Age Concern Labour Party Conference: Ivan Lewis MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Health Clive Cowdery, Resolution Foundation Clive Bolton, Norwich Union Stephen Burke, Counsel and Care (Chair) Conservative Party Conference: Clive Cowdery, Resolution Foundation Lisa Harker, IPPR Stephen O’Brien MP, Shadow Health Minister Adam Winslow, Norwich Union