Monday 23 September 2024

Party Conferences 2024

Resolution Foundation fringe events at Conservative and Labour Party Conferences


Better work across Britain: How can Labour improve pay and conditions for low earners?

Monday 23rd September | 6:30 – 7:30pm 

The new Labour Government has proposed a broad range of employment reforms, which could amount to the biggest shake-up of UK workplaces in a generation. From greater protection against unfair dismissal to new rights to regular hours, better sick pay, a higher minimum wage, Labour’s plans are designed to boosting working conditions and wider economic growth.

How should the Government deliver its planned changes to employment law in a way that materially improves pay and conditions? To what extent should it take on board business concerns about what this could mean for employers? And how will these reforms drive much-needed growth in the economy? In this event, hosted in partnership with the Living Wage Foundation, we’ll discuss how a Labour government should take on this challenge.

Location: ACC Auditorium 1C


Katherine Chapman, Director of the Living Wage Foundation

Kate Bell, Assistant General Secretary at the TUC

Heather Stewart, Special correspondent at the Guardian

Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester

Gavin Kelly, Executive Chair of the Resolution Foundation


Growth up, emissions down? Labour’s new economic plan

Tuesday 24th September | 6:00 – 7:00pm

The UK’s journey towards a carbon neutral economy is at an inflection point. Over the course of this decade, we need to move from setting ambitious targets, to actually hitting them – and that require profound changes affecting people in every region and nation of the UK. But while some have pitted the need to decarbonise against the need to grow our economy, Labour has put net zero at the heart of its growth strategy. How can the new Labour Government ensure that its plan to lower emissions also increases growth? And how can it do so in a way that ensures the costs and benefits of the net zero transition are shared fairly across households? In this event we’ll discuss the path towards a prosperous, green economy.

Location: ACC Auditorium 1C


Miatta Fahnbulleh, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State (Minister for Energy Consumers)

Oliver Coppard, Mayor of South Yorkshire

Julia King, Senior Advisor to Holtech

Clare Moriarty, Chief Executive Citizens Advice

Gavin Kelly, Executive Chair of the Resolution Foundation



What is the Conservatives’ plan for boosting economic growth?

Sunday 29th September | 6.00 – 7.30pm

The UK is currently enjoying the strongest economic growth in the G7. But that welcome news shouldn’t blind us to the fact growth since the financial crisis has been weak – and caused living standards to stagnate. In opposition, the Conservatives will need to scrutinise the Government’s growth strategy. But even more importantly, it needs an economic plan of its own. From the size of the state, to tax, trade and investment, what should the Conservatives’ plan be? In this event we’ll discuss how a Conservative government should approach their growth strategy, and scrutinise the Government’s economic agenda.

Location: Churchill Theatre, ICC Birmingham


Harriet Baldwin, Conservative MP for West Worcestershire and former chair of the Treasury Select Committee

Alan Mak, MP for Havant and Shadow Economic Secretary

Lord David Willetts, President of the Resolution Foundation

Additional speakers to be confirmed